Friday, July 26, 2013

OGCT at 21weeks

Oral Glucose Challenge Test 50G at 21 weeks, wheeww!! Always blown away while doing this test. As you all know, most of the pregnant women will undergo with this kind of test, especially if you are overweight on your pre-pregnancy or to begin with, 2nd if you have any diabetes history in your Family. Wow, all two got me on the way, so no reason not to take this test. It was awfully too sweet, I got a different brand during my first pregnancy and I can say even its OGTT for 100G it's way better than this brand. Ooohh My!!!

Anyway, aside for my OGCT, My OB asks me to test my urine for I'm having frequent urination and Lower back pain on the right side, but I'm happy and so very very happy that both tests came out normal. Although my OB always reminds me, LESS: SUGAR and SALT, please we still have a long way to go!! haha!! It's hard to resist but I'm doing my very best.

Again Thank You Lord for making us safe, protected and love, Amen.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

At 21 Weeks, Its's a boy

At 21 weeks bigger better

-Thank You Lord. Please continue to guide us both every day. We love you and we thank you for all the blessings you are giving me and my family, Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

at 18 weeks and 1 day

at 18weeks gestational 

Lord, a million thanks will never be enough to say to you for how much you care and love us all the way. For all the blessings and grace you are giving me. Thank you, Lord, for taking good care of my Mackenzie in heaven and for making my new baby strong and healthy.