Who Am I

Hi readers and viewers! I don't have much to say about myself self but simple words that how much I wanted to have a baby on my own. I live in Manila, Philippines. I got married last May 23, 2005.

Funny but it's true I met my DH thru Friendster, a social networking site that so popular during that year. He started to send me a message on September 2004 but I'm just ignoring it then finally I had time to reply and accept his invitation to my friend's list.  We met I think October 14, 2004, then we been officially On October 24, 2004. and the rest is history.........

Just last November 2008 we decided to build our own family by starting to have a baby on our own.
I really thought it will just easy for us but only to find out me and my DH will be having the battle to have our dream by having a complete family. But this year up to 2009 passed but nothing happened. Although I admit we didn't put so much effort in these years all throughout I don't know but it also came to the point that I felt that my DH doesn't like to have a baby because I don't feel at that time that he strive hard to have one as well. Feel so down and depressed.

The year 2010 came. I decided I need to start to do something on my body. I started to visit an OB which my first time and had my first TVS around March 2010 and I found out I was PCOS (Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome) but after that month and after finished of medication for a month again I didn't have so much time to go back due to work.

then December 2010, I ask my self-do I really want to have a baby on my own? If yes, I need to have plans and again do what I need to do. Reading some blogs about preggy's and babies makes me more envious of people who are so easy to conceive. I need to fight my self and believe that God has his own time.

Even my mom I always ask me when will we having a baby on our own. I keep on telling them "kung darating darating" "If it will come, it will come" but the truth behind those words was "I even want hundred times to have a baby."  I started not to join most of my family gathering but I know they will just tease me that most of my cousins who just got married already conceive and will start a family soon. then one day when my mom attends one of our family gathering my Tita's advise her to tell me to visit the OB-Gyne of her daughter who they called miracle Doctor because most of his nieces and her daughter who had a hard time to conceive as well got pregnant thru the help of that Doctor.

At first, I had hesitant to seek help especially the same OB-Gyne as my cousin but I said who cares?! I want my baby and the doctor can probably help me. So that was December 2010 I showed her my last TVS which taken March 2010. then that was the start of my battle with infertility and PCOS again...

I know a lot of women out there are having the same problems and a journey like mine. Let's share our experiences and help each other to beat this battle at once to start building our own family.

Baby Dust To All of Us in God's Time.