Friday, March 2, 2012

My Congenital Anomaly Scan (C.A.S)

Finally, my burden of Congenital Anomaly Scan are over. haha! I can sleep more freely and can enjoy more of my pregnancy. I just had my CAS this afternoon at New World Laboratory, although some questions had been asked by the sonologist before she did the Scan make me more anxious and nervous ... Questions like: ARE THERE ANY PROBLEMS IN THE FAMILY? -No, DIABETES? -My mom! NO, YOU? I'm Not!, DO YOU DRINK? -No, DO YOU SMOKE? -No, HAVE YOU DRINK SOME MEDICINE THAT'S NOT GOOD DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? - No!  OK LET'SDO THE SCAN!!

Haha! She makes me more nervous by asking those questions ha! and during the scan I kept on praying and praying that everything is ok and normal. Although some laughs and smiles during the session. She even asked me, don't you feel your baby, your baby moves a lot. Wow! and sad to say, I answered back like, Sad but Not yet doc! and then Finally the first thing she said was , 70% your baby is a BOY!! hmm, the truth is I'M REALLY SHOCK! haha! although I'm happy whatever gender my baby will be, but because most of the people around even some that I just met who knew that I'm pregnant says that I will be having a girl! Wow!!! and even my previous Scan the sonologist tried to check the gender and she said she can't see any little stick in between legs so she said probably you will be having a girl, but have a re-scan. Then just the last Scan I had when the first time she tried to check the gender she saw in between legs of my baby a small dot, so she said I Think you are having a baby Boy, but when she twist it again, she saw some burger figure but she still said that You have to do it again but next couple of weeks. That scan was just last February 28,2012 but because I'm so anxious and so excited I can't bare to wait any more weeks to know my baby's gender, I tried again and these are the results!! When the sonologist called my husband to let him see our baby, and she said look at this in between legs.. then my hubby said.. "It's really a boy indeed!" haha.. but still the sonologist said not yet 100% sure but she already indicate in the scan its a boy..

Then right after the scan I called my mom and tell the results. when I said IT'S A BOY!! She shouted so loud and like screaming saying WOWWWW!!! she so happy knowing that we are having a Boy because I already have 4 nieces from my brother!! The first Boy Grandchild in our family! haha!!

To my Baby: Just stay foot baby! I'm so happy and so Thankful to the Lord that you are okay and the way you move shows that you are so happy! Papa and Mama Loves you so much!! And Finally Papa already agreed for your name that I choose! So excited to see you baby!!! Pray to Papa Jesus and Mama Mary to always guide you and protect you!! Love, MAMA


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