Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Second Christmas with Kean.It's our tradition to visit our my inlaws during Chirstmas and New Year's Eve. every year. So we don't usually prepare noche buena at home. Anyway this will be if ever our first Christmas with our new House. 

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Kean 13th Month

My Kean at 13th month. Each and every single day he starting to learn different things. He can understand every words we say.  He can make us smile in his own simple way. At 13th month his weight is not as heavy as we expected to be. He eat solids,still a breastfeeding baby, he also enjoy his FM but what makes me really anxious, why his only adding few kilos  to his weight every month? He loves fruits, but also he loves to run.. Anyway, I just want him to look more chubby baby and I hope soon. I just want to thank the Lord that he is very healthy in spite of being slim.