Friday, December 9, 2011

Baby's Video at 8 weeks and 4 days

Here is the video inside the ultrasound clinic today. My hubby decided to took a video because it is the first time he will see his baby's heat beating. Its truly Amazing and God Gift's .

We love you baby!!


8 weeks and 4 days Ultrasound

So happy to see our baby again in 8 weeks and 4 days. So tiny, So cute but most amazing is watching our baby's heart beating. Makes my day so wonderful and the most happiest one. I always pray every night that my baby will always STRONG, HEALTHY and COMPLETE! Can't wait to see my baby's face for the next succeeding ultrasound. I love you Baby!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Tummy at 8 weeks

Looks big huh? haha yes aside from I'm an overweight mom to be, people constantly says that my tummy get bigger so quick... maybe because I always eat a lot now a days.. but as as soon i finished my 1st trimester i need to control my food intake. Go for Normal Delivery of course.. =') Usually doctors, ob said during 1st trimester you don't need to control your food intake but just lessen sweets, fatty and salty foods.

Specially in my case, I'm diagnosed as PCOS, usually women who diagnosed PCOS are prone for gestational diabetes (scary, right?!) but sometimes I can't resist just to release my cravings I sometimes eat a little bite of chocolates.... My Bad!! Sssshh!! =')

During pregnancy they also says that we are prone to  have  UTI ( Urinary Track Infection) So lessen the salty foods. But Again, my bad, during my first week I always love to eat Green Mango with Bagoong!! ='( but of course I drink a lot of water after that.

Another one, during pregnancy women are commonly experienced constipation. They said because of some changes that happening inside our body and womb. OB's usually advise to add the water intake and fruits that are high in fiber.

'Till the next update of my tummy. I hope all mom to be are always safe as well as the baby.

GOODLUCK!! Happy New Year!!