Monday, October 29, 2012

PCOS FREE, Forever?

As refer to my post in the month of July 2012, I had my first TVS after giving birth last July 25th and the scan said that my left is starting to be PCOS again? Although a few months of giving birth my auntflo have become normal so I don't why I'm starting to be PCOS again on my left last July. Maybe because I'm starting to gain weight again, like what I said in my last post, food became my best friend after all the depression I came through.

Just October 24, 2012, my scan telling us that I'm PCOS free? The Sonologist who've done my scan and my OB who saw my scan the following day referring to my scan It says I'm PCOS free. Now my question is "Is it Forever?" No one can say it's forever. While doing this blog I found that because numbers of women out there or all over the world are suffering and battling infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, we PCOS women already have "PCOS Awareness" month already I don't know if you girls already knew about this but as for me I only found out today.

As my OB said probably due to my diet or trying to lose more weight was one of the reason why somehow I'm "Power Over PCOS" I don't know if this will work for you girls as we know we have different body time, different problems why we are battling PCOS but  I know trying to lose weight will be one of a great way to start battling PCOS, as for those who are healthy and slim enough why they are still suffering PCOS, there are a lot of reason why PCOS is always visible to a women like us. So better to consult and seek help to an OB-Gyne.

Soon I found out my that I'm starting to be PCOS Free,  DH and I came out with the decision why not to try it again for this month October was a good start knowing that "I'm Fertile" again on my Left just like my first pregnancy and having a good size of matured follicle without the help of  "Fertility Pill"  So after this cycle only God knows if he will grant us again a small peanut in my tummy after 2WW or 10days after November 9th if my auntflo still not visible!

Just yesterday, I had lower abdomen cramps which really hurt but tolerable! More of my right side. Some say, probably I was ovulating, conceiving or maybe aunt Flo is about to come! Who knows? No one but only God Knows! I also have a slight fever due to my severe sore throat, I don't like to take any antibiotics or chemical medicine but I just tried to use some home remedy like gurgling sea salt and Luke warm water, and drinking warm water with lemon and honey! Because of the sore throat, I'm having a headache once in a while since yesterday! I hope this remedy works for me and a little fast because of Pains like killing me to death! :(

Let's wait and see If God will make this year memorable again for our family especially for me and DH!

Till next update! If you wish to ask questions or need help and somehow you know I can help, then
I'm willing just send me an

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I decided to give it a try again

It's not easy for me to make this decision. I have to consider so many reasons before deciding to give it try, "Again!". Before this decision came up  I struggled some depression, sadness, and loneliness in my everyday life after losing my baby boy Mackenzie. I tried to accept everything and believe that everything has a reason, why it happened to us and to my baby. 

Last August my DH and I are having some problems. I became so sensitive in everything he says and does.  We didn't talk for almost a month.  Leaving our house every day is my way to forget the things that we are going through at that time. Eating, eating and eating! Eating more and more, food became my best friend at that time till September came in and I found out My weight reach 197lbs. I cried and talk to self. " This is not right," "This is not good!" "I need to wake up in this nightmare!" 

Then suddenly My friend from Kuwait send me a Viber message. We talked and exchange stories about our lives.  I said I'm so big that food was my fall back to fight depression and now I wanted to lose weight! She recommends her secret, which will make your appetite drastically down.  I started to diet on September 15th, eating one meal in a day without eating rice at all...

October came in, knowing I'already lose 20lbs. Sometimes it's hard! Decided not to eat rice since I started to go on a diet is a strong fight but I did. Hoping to lose more!  I started to run at least 3x a week with my DH around our subdivision! Just to help me to lose weight more! 

My aunt Flo was a day delayed this October so I felt scared and nervous thinking that my PCOS might be there again! Knowing that after giving birth I'm soon time getting my aunt flo! So I texted my OB asking why it's like this and saying I was so scared and wanted to know if my PCOS went back again so if yes, I wanted to start my meds again battling PCOS so when I'm ready and if I can, getting pregnant again will not be hard for me! My ob asked me to wait for 10days delayed then do TVS, then she said: "maybe you are pregnant!" I texted her back saying "no doc, we are not doing baby dance since then!" Then waiting for10days delayed but in the 9th day my aunt Flo came, so happy and kinda relief.  Maybe it's just stress that makes my aunt Flo a little bit delay this month or maybe because I'm on a diet, anyway I really don't know what's behind it...

Last October 23rd,  It's our 8th years anniversary! The anniversary that we thought will not be able to celebrate because of things that we been through, nightmares that been hunting me for so long! But I' m so blessed, DH didn't give up on me even the times he knew I already giving up on everything! We had a baby dance! 12:30midnight to be exact. My 15th day from LMP. 

October 24,  Next day I decided to do my TVS (my 16th day) while doing the ultrasounds, feeling so nervous and shaking! Then the Sonologist said, "you are fertile on the left!" (knowing I produced Matured follicle on my own, size 1.8cm) I just replied "Really doc?" Then she checked on my right ovary if she can see some signs of PCOS but while checking she said: "I don't see any signs of PCOS on your right ovary!"  I said, "Thank you, Lord, Thank you, baby!" 

As soon as it's done I can't wait to tell DH the good news! Then I texted my OB, I ask when I can see her coz I'm done with my TVS! And I really wanted to find out if no signs of  PCOS again. She asked to visit the next day October 25th.  We leave the NeoMedica Clinic with a smile on my face! Sooo happy and so much joy in my heart! Then suddenly I said to my self   "God is really good!" "Is this the sign I've been waiting for?"

 October 25th, Thursday, 17thday, I went to my OB to visit her for my check up! She asks how am I? Looks that I lose weight as per her, So I told her I'm on a diet! She said that's great! Then she asks about my TVS and she said right away! "Your ultrasounds are so great! I think you are PCOS free! You  even have a matured follicle and it's really good shape!"  I replied  "really doc? Do you think there's still a chance to be PCOS again?" She said, "Yes, there's a chance but in your case, you have a good scan today so just keep on losing those excess weights and eat more good fruits and food with exercise!" 

I think if you want, you have a big chance of getting pregnant this month, then i told her that our last baby dance was October 23rd, she said we just have to keep on doing it again because there is really a big chance to conceived again!!! So, I didn't think twice anymore! I ask her if It's really ok to conceieved as early as today (if Gods will) because its just 5months ago when i had my C-Section because as far as i know you have to wait atleast a year so everything is perfectly find!  But she said, my uterus are so thick and so nice! So trying to get pregnant again is not a problem! ❤❤

So after my check up! DH and I talked about it! Till we come up with a decision to give it a try again! If Gods will i know he will give it to us! I know he will guide us all through this journey with my baby Angel beside him!  Then DH suddenly said  we will change  everything this time! if i have to sleep on couch just for you not to feel stress i will do it... This time you have to control your anger and try not to feel the stress!!

I just said... "Promise!" 

I hope we will able to fight this battle again to have a complete and healthy family! Another journey and another story of our life is about to begin again........ I know baby mackenzie is always with us to give us strength and hope all the way!!! Ilove you baby! Mama and Papa will always be so proud of you and happy that you became part of our life... Tomorrow is another day to smile and to enjoy life with our love ones! Another day to be thankful that God give us another day to fulfill our dreams and finished our journey!!! 

Thank you GOD for undying blessings and guidance!!!!Baby dustto all... Again!!!