Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Gods greatest gift to our Family

My Children...

These two lovely kids are the greatest gift from our Lord and Savior.
After all the pains and struggles we have been through I know God has a reason for everything

I am PCOS for years, since when? I don't even know how long because ever since I was in high school irregular na ang period ko but only 2010 I decided to see OBGyne then it's confirmed  I am PCOS. We decided to seek help to get pregnant.

2012 got pregnant work up baby. at 31 weeks my water broke. Gave birth to cute Mackenzie vis CS  but After 11 days he gains his Angel wings. https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/p/mackenzie-story.html

2013 after 9months got pregnant by surprise. Without any particular meds for my PCOS, without any help from any OBGyne. At 33, God gave us Kuya Kean via Repeat CS. He is now 6years old. https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/2013/11/kean-josue-s-angeles.html

We already both thankful for having Kean. He is the biggest blessing na binigay sa amin.  But deep in our hearts, we want Kean to have someone to be with when growing up. But I know It will be hard for me to conceive again due to my situation and considering my age. I just prayed, we prayed hard and try to take my meds again to help me regulate my period but on and off. until.

2018 June we found out we are pregnant again.  We are so happy of course but something happened and we don't have any control of it. At 6 weeks we lost the heartbeat of our little one inside due to small Gestational Sac. We tried our best but I know again God's has purpose and reason for everything. I cried  and talk to him whatever plans he has for me and my family I will truly accept with all my heart.  https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/2018/06/miscarriage-at-6-weeks.html

2019 April came. It's the big surprise. it's BFP. Big Fat Positive.

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