Saturday, November 3, 2012

Still remebring you

It was All Souls Day, I visited you in Nanay's room where you place in her altar with her precious saints around you. I was alone then holding you with my rosary. Talking to you just you are by my side. I miss you baby! I slept while holding you and after a few minutes I woke up and my tears started to fall again......

I know it will mever easy not remember you, you are the reason for most first time that ever happened in my life.  While listening to my favorite song. I can't help my self butI cried so hard. Saying the words again and again "miss na miss na kita 'nak!"  (Missing you so much, baby!") I cry and cry in the other room while your dad is in the our room. I remember when I first hold your hand. Touch you feet and feel your ear! It was the most precious moment in my life!  Miss you so much baby mackenzie! Mama, will always pray for you and you will stay in my heart forever!!

Forgive me when times I still cry when I remember you. You are the reason why I still fighting and still having beleive in my self that we can still continue our journey having you in my memories. You are the reason why I've learn so many lesson in my life. The more I dream of holding you in my arms the more I wanted to fight the battle of having a complete family with you in our hearts!!!

ILoveYou my dear baby this is for you from Mama & Papa,

I made this video for an angel named Mackenzie that left this world much too soon. If you would like more information on how to request a video for your angel please visit God Bless! - Lynda

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