Monday, March 25, 2013

Again, God answered our prayers in Surprise

It's been what? 3 months since the last time I update you guys. remembering my baby Angel above in All Souls Day last year November 2012. Now, its March and a lot of things happened in our lives. If you will remember, I post saying I will fight and try to fight this battle of having a complete family, infertility no more for I was PCOS FREE as my last scan says but still there were times, can't help my self to think what if, my PCOS will be here again and my battle of  having a complete family will again change to battling infertility. 

months came 'till the year 2013 is here, still no success. I could say, "No success?" partly I know why because we never got too serious recently to make another one. we sometimes do baby dance but not to the extent we are trying very hard. We tried it on our own without help or my OB-Gyne. Since we decided to fight it again or to try it again. We talked about it. Trying without the help of any medicines or any help of fertility guide. February 2013 came, again my sister in law will here in Manila for a vacation with her boyfriend and we plan to visit Boracay Island for their first tour in Manila on February 24-27,2013.

My last LMP February 17, 2013, we did a baby dance February 25, 2013, its just 9th day from my last lmp, as I know for work up, we need to start 10th day to 20th day in every other day. We never thought of doing it for the purpose of trying to have a baby but as a couple, a married couple would have this kind of intimacy. and it follows another 2 baby dance,  Dates? I don't know exactly remember for we are not really on serious about it, We just keep on praying if Gods Time, He will give it to us again. 

March 2-3, we went for an overnight stay in Tagaytay City. We even had a fight on the 3rd of March before we left the resort. I asked my sis in law if we can drop by again in Church so-called  "Little Manaog" If you will remember my post before, I found out my first pregnancy 2 months after we visit "Little Manaog" and my first time to wrote my petition letter for giving me a wonderful gift in my womb. Again, March 03, 2013 I wrote another petition letter for giving me trust again to be a mom. To answer our prayers for having another baby. I prayed to all the saints around me inside that Church. Holding their hands and holding my tummy, asking, seeking for an answer, for a gift of love and a gift from God above. I followed the prayer of One Holy Mary that stands inside the church, Looking into her eyes, Closing my eyes and remember her face while saying "Please God, Mary grant me the child I was begging to have again. Giving me another chance to make it right this time." I even offer a candle prayer saying the same wish I keep on praying.

March 17, 2013, expecting my Aunt-Flo for I know we never had a chance to complete the baby dance, Although some changes occur while waiting for this date, I've noticed I eat a lot from my normal meal. I always hungry which I don't know why.  But still, I don't want to give any false hope for my self. When I went to the bathroom on this same day, after I do my daily routine in the morning I have noticed some blood, Again, I said to my self, I think it will be here anytime soon. I decided to buy some pregtest, and do it. I don't know if it's too early or whatever, but I can say I can view some 2 lines, although the second line was too blur to be visible so I decided to think its negative and throw it.

March 19, 2013, I texted my OB-Gyne that we decided to seek help from her again for another workup plan. Although my husband wants to change OB not because she is not good but because she only accredited on one Hospital and that is "Chinese General Hospital" which we don't like it anymore. Still, I told him, She knows my history so I decided to work up again from her and if I got pregnant I'll transfer for the new OB for the new hospital. She asked me to do some test again for starting the new work up. and I said will visit her next week.

March 20, 2013, came we went to our friend's house for a visit, knowing we don't have work on this day. We went to SM Masinag, We cooked, and I even carry my niece (3 years old) on the way to the parking lot. and I bought some Pregtest again in Watson 2pcs of the test in 1 box. (120Php), I also bought some Folicard and Zemen SX for my hubby as my OB required. My friend asked me to take a test at their house but I said I will just use it tomorrow morning at home, I drive home, my hubby asked me to for he is feeling quite tipsy a little bit. Then a few minutes after we arrived home I went to the bathroom to take a bath but before that, I took a test, few minutes after the 1st line is visible indeed but the 2nd line is starting to show up. I can't explain my feelings but first I was scared but deep inside I am happy. I opened the bathroom door and show the test to my husband and ask him how many lines he can see without knowing whats the meaning of 1 or 2 lines visible. He said right away, "I can see two lines, why?" I just told him, keep on waiting if the second line will be a little bit darker, but whatever it is, it still says POSITIVE. I'm Pregnant!! This time Ona ly few days after I went to "Little Manoag" to answer my prayers, they say it probably already meant to be! But  I still believe that the Church is so powerful that they all heard my sincere prayers. Promise, I'll make it right this time.
          ("Little Manaog" is the Church in Tagaytay City for Less Child Couple. So powerful church..)

God is really good. God blessed and trust us for doing it again and make it right this time. ILOVEYOU Oh LORD! Thank you for this Advance Birthday Give you have given me. I love you with all my heart. Baby Makzie my Angel, Thank you for guiding us all throughout this journey baby. I love you so much, Mama miss you a lot. You will be always in my Heart.


JustPJ said...

happy to know you are pregnant again, sis, after that heartbreaking lost you experienced last year. indeed, God is really good. God bless you, sis. praying for you and your baby.

iamanjch said...

@PJ: Thanks sis. Thanks for the prayers when we needed at most. Thank you for prayers every now and then. I will pray for BFP to come your way. Try to relax and don't pressure your self too hard. It will be more affect for trying to conceived. If you need help send me a message on viber or email. I will pray for both of us. Good Luck.

iamanjch said...

Yes GOD IS ALWAYS BEEN GOOD TO US EVER SINCE, and I can't find a words how to say Thank you for all the blessings he been giving us.

Thank You LORD, You are the best in your own way.

Pola said...

Congratulations sis! :) I've been a lurker since 2011. My BF and I have been together for 4 years and I have PCOS. Now we have our little miracle :) 15 weeks to be exact. I am also a plus sized woman. :) Pre-pregnancy is 222lbs now i'm down to 216 lbs. :) Hirap marinig heartbeat ni baby sa doppler. But thank God nakikita sa UTZ. Lagi ko nakakalimutan uminom ng vitamins. Naku di ko dapat gawin talaga yun! :( I have re-occurring yeast infection sis. And nag suggest nanaman si Dra na ulitin OGTT ko 75gms this time. Pag third ko na test if ever. I need it to do it ASAP kasi may discharge parin ako. Include me in your prayers sis. since first time Mom sobrang daming fears and worries. Balik ako sa OB next week. I fell on my butt last week and I was beyond mortified. Wala namang cramps or blood but I was really crying. Syempre takot for baby :( But my Dra texted me naman not to worry about it. Just watch for any blood. I did have a milky discharge after a day or two. But she told me it's okay. Di naman marami.. Pero iba parin diba. :) God bless on your pregnancy sis! :) <3

iamanjch said...

Hi sis, wow what a surprise, As Iread your blog few days agoI thought you are still waiting for yoir big miracle and blessings, I didn't know the God already shower you some good news.Anwyay, mo worries I will pray for both of us to all the mom to be out there to be safe and be our baby safe of course as well. Why did you get that that yeast infection anyway? May reason daw ba? Ako i suffer from colds and cough just recently , colds now are almost free but cough sometimes still there but not worst like 2 days ago. Most of the OB-Gyne thsi week are in convenions so one of them was my New OB i called the clinic last tuesday I think I wanted to have check up,regarding my colds and cough because Im also worried about it not for me but for my baby inside but it seems everything normal just dont leti it worst, as you know immune system of a mom on an early pregnancy is getting down for baby's protection. The OB who checked on me actually the owner of the clinic and ultrasound (she is good as they say there old ob gyne) prescribed me co-amoxiclab and amboroxol but mom and dh refuse me to drink those meds even though ob said its safe during pregnancy maybe there just being over protective to both of us :) no worries sis everything will be fine. so happy that you are on your way now to be a mom, i didnt exoect that in regards from your blogs na confused tuloy ako eh recent blog mo un hehe..if you need some help just let me know. Congrats again and have a safe pregnancy as well. Prayers!!! :)