Thursday, May 16, 2013

at 12 weeks

Oops, baby grow so fast indeed. Comparing to our last scan baby now more visible and complete. My precious now is exactly 12 weeks. My end of First trimester. In away more ok ending the critical trimester in the whole pregnancy.

What happened to us from the last scan? Ooh my heartburn attacks me so hard. I even cried sometimes because of the pain im into. Some home remedy already done but none of them seems so effective. I need to feed my self in a very small amount almost every 1-2 hours or else acid reflux will visit me again.

What makes more harder? I don't even have appetite for the past few weeks . Oh em gee. But still forcing my self to eat. Awww...

Baby, im ready to all the aches and pains in exchange for you to be healthy and strong. I will just close my eyes and think that all sacrifices is for you and no one else. iloveyou baby seeing you again and again is the best time of my life.

Iloveyou,baby! I will always pray and beg to God that you will stay good,strong , healthy and happy inside mommys tummy. :)

-Being pregnant is not easy, but with the Help of the Lord with our prayers everything will be ok,Amen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

SSS- Mat1

As we all know, in Manila Philippines. if you are employed to a company most probably you are a member of SSS (Social Security System) where you can get some benefits depends on your needs.

As for me, Last May 15,2013 we decided to file my Mat1 or maternity notification 1, so by the time I need to deliver my baby they would give you money assistant, how much? There's a computation depends on your monthly contribution after filing the Mat2 or Maternity Mat 2 Application.

I've heard the SSS increase their given benefits to all the members. I hope So :)

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Angel's Day

May 12,2013 sunday, Mother's Day. I remember last year It was mothers day when mackenzie born, now its Mothers Day again, so many memories to remembet but the most is I want to remembet the mothers day 
that I was able to deliver the most wonderful baby during that moment. 


May 13,2013, it my Angel's Day, we planned to visit him at the cementery,pray my rosary and greet him a very very heavenly birthday to our dear Angel above. 

Mom cooked spaghetti and we boughy cakes for my Angel,simple things just to let him know we always remember his special day.

But whats hurt the most on the 24th of May, we need tk remember his death annivesary, we have to face the reality that is it, a year past and still the pain reminds me just like yesterday. 

I love you anak! Sobrang miss na kita!! 
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.