Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kean's 3rd Photoshoot

Kean's 3rd Photoshoot
Date: May 27,2014
Photography: 123Smile
Location: SM North Edsa

Friday, May 16, 2014

Kean No to Gadget

[5.16.2014] whats with your eyebrows Kean? Bakit laging nakataas anak? Lol hahahahaha

Yes in this picture, it may look like he wants to watch or play with any gadgets like, ipad, smartphones, tablet or even to watch television like cartoons or any program. But the answer is "NO" he himself doesn't like to play with or even to watch with in. I don't know if he is just too young for it or whatever, but our pedia says that its way better that babies used to play with smartphones or any gadgets. I don't know if its true but they says it can delay the speech of the babies development, so I'm a lucky mom indeed, My Kean doesn't show any interest on those things, but I've noticed he just stopped and look at the television if its commercial time. haha

Good Job Baby Kean

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Perfect Smile

How can you say "No" to this little cute baby with that kind of Big Smile? haha. During Kean time, he ive noticed that he always wants you to talk to him. Giggling with sounds, he loves to play all the time. like PeeKaBoo, he laugh just like no body is listening. He smile like everyone would wash away all troubles in their faces. Kean's smile make us happy and contented for what we have and for what we can share for everyone. 

At 6th months, starting to eat solid. He starting to discover more of his milestones. I can't wait till you can call me Mama.. 

love you Kean.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Kean's 6th Month

[5.12.2014] Happy 6th Month my baby Kean. you already half way to reach your first birthday, you just don't know how excited I'am to see you walking and discover different milestone of your life with us. But please do not grow so fast OK? Mama still wanted to cuddle you and breastfeed you as long as we can. I love you anak. You mean so much to me. You are my world and you are the reason why I still wanted to become the best mom that i could be for you even this is my first.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Time for Solid Food

As advice of his pedia. Kean can start to eat solid. We bough this baby food maker from Pigeon Price is Php999.00 . I don't know if we will able to use everything on it but everything we need to feed our baby of solid food are all in this package. So I assume it will be useful for us.

I'm the one who is excited for Kean. haha. I'm planning to give him potatoes, carrots, squash, eggs, and so many more. Juices of course. I'm praying that Kean will grow like his dad, who can eat anything, for me Yes,  I admit it, I'm definitely a Picky eater ever since.  How I wish I can eat all difference kinds if fruits, How i hope i can eat diff kinds of salad. Well, I will do everything so Kean will not grow up like that way I hate fruits and veggies. hehe

Friday, May 9, 2014

Last 5in1 Vaccine and Rotavirus in 2014

Finally, Kean received the last 5in 1 and rotavirus this year 214. After one year old start again some vaccine and booster. Oh come on we all know vaccine fee are not cheap, actually they are way expensive but if for our own child safety why wouldn't give it to my son. After all we all want best for our kids.

Kean is a brave baby this time. haha. He didn't cry nor felt fussy at this moment. I have a young brave little man in here. haha. Keep it up my son. All those needles and drops are worth it. hehe.