Thursday, May 24, 2018

1st OB Check up 3rd pregnancy

May 24, 2018

We are so excited for this day. Me and DH. It's our first TVS to check baby inside. I was so nervous. Siguro nga always same feeling every time na malalaman mo sa pregnancy test na positive is if your baby is ok inside and if it's visible na siya.

If we are going to based on my LMP April 14 baby supposed to be 5W5D pero I think late ako ng ovulate this time because we had baby dance May 7 it's not in fertile window na pero nabuo siya. So I think late ovulation.

As seen in my first scan, Thickened Endometrium na which as per OB if you will just about to have period endometrium will be thickened but not as much as if you are pregnant. Mine was really thickened and we saw a very small gestational sac already.

Happy indeed. At least for sure, it's not an ectopic pregnancy. We have to wait for another 2 weeks to check the pregnancy viability next checkup July 07. cant wait!!

My OB asks me to take Duphaston 2x a day and start taking Folic acid every day.

God bless us!

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