Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5in1 vaccine in Health Center

2nd shot of 5in1 vaccine and we decided to try it at the Health Center in our place. and this is the first time that Kean got sick after a vaccine. He never got sick even the first time he got a shot. Yes, its free and I know its our rights to get the free vaccine for our babies from the government, but the way they vaccine the babies is way different in our pedia or private. The nurse in the center just give it a shot directly on the legs while holding in tightly even we are standing, but in a private our pedia, they will lay down Kean and ask help from the secretary and then will give a shot , yes Kean would cry but just a bit after that he will stop and smile and never get sick, but in Health Center after he got shot he cry and cry and cry until we reach our home he stop for a while then he cried again, then after a few hours  I felt that he is already hot. Oh my, I don't know maybe its just normal, yes there will always be a chance for babies to get sick every time they will received a shot but as a mom I feel so bothered about it, going back to center for the 3rd and final shot of 5in1? i don't know maybe yes and maybe not.

That photos taken same day he got vaccine from center , we need to visit our pedia for his rotavirus that is not available in health center. He looks happy already and not sick but sometimes he will be hot and his temp will just reach 36.6-37.6 but our pedia says only give Tempra if the temp reach 37.8 but as a mom again, haha dont feel ok so I gave him tempra 0.6 around 37 temp haha. and he feels ok then.

Even he is sick Kean still looks a very happy baby. Love you Kean.Please Get well soon baby.

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