Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Offer to Padre Pio

March 04, when I ask to go back to Padre Pio to give thanks for answered prayer. For making us safe all through out my pregnancy with Kean. After a tragic lost with Mackenzie I wanted to be more safe and 1000%careful with Kean. If I have enough time and If I still can travel during that time I always wanted to visit Padre Pio to make petition for our Family and giving thanks to all the graces and blessings that God and him are giving us.

When I checked outside, I saw this statute of Padre Pio that full of thousand rosary around him, when I read the the notice, those are the rosary that offered by so many people for an answered prayers. Wow, I know Padre Pio miraculous indeed. He answered so many prayers when he knew that its going to be good for that person.

Then I decided to offer my pretty rosary that I made to order on one of the online selling shop. Since then that is the rosary i used every night, and at the church.having kean healthy is really an answered prayer for me. Thank you Padre Pio. I will always have faith. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just want to ask since I've been hearing miraculous deeds that Padre Pio has done, I just want to ask if is he the only saint that you are clinging on or you also have others like St. Clare or other?