Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spot the difference

My two bundle of joy. My Alheexia and My Kean. Alheexia is my youngest niece who grew up with us, So she ended up calling us Mama and Dada for my husband, Now she is a big sister to  baby Kean. 

I love them Both.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My new hair cut

Every mother can relate to this. As soon as you have a baby all your time will be devoted to your little bundle. When I had Kean and starting to breastfeed him. "Me" is not exactly my priority anymore. All my time and free time spend being a mom and being a wife. We moms knows that every single minute, single second are very important to us, make it useful. 

So when i had a chance to get that "Me" time I grab and use it to go to salon and have a new hair cut. haha. I finally says I feel free haha.  With my little patootie smile like that? everything will be less worries. 

Enjoy me time mommies.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kean's Smile

As you all know Kean already mix feeding. AS early as 5 months he started to learn how to hold his bottle haha. Smiling while looking at me like that makes my sadness wash away. His simple smile makes everyone happy and feeling every sacrifices are all worth it.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kean's First Bisita Iglesia

[April 17,2014] Our first bisita iglesia as a family. Actually I don't really do bisita iglesia ever since. Even when I'm still in highschool nor in college but this year, my mom asked us if we wanted to joined them with my nieces and my sister in law. So, first I know i had to bring kean with us but the number of people in every church we will visit is not really good for his young body so we decided to bring him but after two church Kean and Papa rather stay in the car and play haha. This two boys of mine drive me crazy every minute of my life. We love you both.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Kean's 2nd Photoshoot

Kean second photoshoot at 5th months old. 
Date: April 12, 2014
Photography: Picture Pciture
Location: SM North Edsa

How I wish we can able to do this photoshoot till he reach 1 year old. I want to remember how he grow so fast by his photos. He always had a great smile but this time my little man is a little bit serious ha? haha

More photos coming...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kean at 5 months

[4.12.14] Happy 5th Month! Baby Kean,
 You now reach another month of your life since you were born, Don't grow too fast anak, mama still wanted to cuddle and nurse you as long as i can and as long as you want. I will never be a perfect mom nor a perfect friend, but i know i will be perfect partner that will never leave your side for every milestone you will discover in your life... Kapag nadapa ka, itatayo kita, kapag nagkamali ka, tutulungan kitang itama, kapag nagkagirlfriend kana, humanda ka lagot siya!! Haha.. Iloveyou Kean!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Biting Lower Lip


Is this a sign of teething? For real? Isn't too early? When I try to research, few other babies at 5months starting to suck or bite their lower lip, Kean will turn 5 months on April 12, so is he also on that stage? As far as I know Babies start teething around 6 months. Anyway whatever it is , as long as Kean is doing great its fine. haha. teething means Kean is getting older? OMG not too fast baby kean please.

Visit this : http://www.circleofmoms.com/after-pregnancy-babies-and-infants/sucking-biting-lower-lip-why-589011

Meet Mr. Tedy

Meet Mr. Teddy, He really loves that staff toy. I don't know why, He loves to play with it, bite it and He loves holding it. haha. I bought him few teether but he doesn't like it. He will bite at first but after a few seconds he will drop it. haha.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Father and Son

Father and son bonding. Everytime I saw them playing like this, I always ask my self, Is this real? Before I only dream to have a complete and happy family, now they are here? Our baby already here for real, they are my life, they are my world, they are the reason why I smile and makes me happy everyday. Looking forward for my every morning with them.I love you,both...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kean's First Photoshoot

Since then I always wanted my baby to have photoshoot every month but due to personal reason we were not able to do it , until we join the Star Baby at SM Baby Company. We need to submit a whole body photo and a close up and they suggest to do it at Great Image. Yes, its really expensive but we don't have any choice haha but at the end of the shoot and we got the result, Oh My, I almost forgot how much money we spend just for this Photoshoot of Kean. I even wanted to get all but of course additional pay again. haha.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pigeon Peristaltic Nipples + Avent Bottles

I just want to share how these two works amazingly for Breastfeeding moms like me. Kean started to use bottles when he reach 1st month, and only breastmilk, then when he reach 3months I started to mix feed already 90%Breastmilk and 10%Formula milk. 

At first using tommee tipee is ok with him, but when I started to use formula milk, we ended up he doesn't like to suck the nips of TT anymore, I tried the avent bottle using the original nips but still the same, then I went to Baby Company SM North Edsa, I told to the ladies that nips of Tommee Tippee and Avent is not ok for my baby, he feel like chocking or the flow a little bit fast even its a slow flow nips, so they suggest, TT to bought they vary flow nips and for my Avent bottles I can use the Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple Crosscut, it wil only flow when baby suck, when we reach at home I tried it right away (of course i washed and sterilize it first lol) then TT Vary Flow nips still not ok for Kean, but when I tried the Pigeon Peristaltic Nips this works like magic.

Wow even water no excess from mouth and no chocking episode. Then I went back to Baby Company to buy more nips of Pigeon and I ask what is special about this nips that I also read from the net Moms who breastfeed always like to use peristaltic. lady yeah that the special about Peristaltic Pigeon  the owner suck 100 women nips just to check and create something like that. and its the Peristaltic Nipple wow, great.

Amazing, for breastfeeding mom outthere try this and I tell you works like miracle and NO NIPPLE CONFUSION.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Baby Blackheads

Kean already had a baby acne at his early stage of life. Usually pedia and other parents says its totally normal. Most of the babies got this milia or baby acne. But what bothers me a lot. after having a baby acne kean started to show some signs of  face blackheads, which is huh? kinda confusing for me or kinda questionable? how come a  small baby got this blackheads that usually shows up from puberty to adulthood.

Baby Acne showed up to kean's baby face around 2nd month and from then on I only started to try putting the MUSTELA FACE CREAM during morning or evening after cleanse or wash. Yes I could says it lessen the redness, until he reach 3months, when the baby acne fades away but in exchange it turn to blackheads, as a mom its really bothers me a lot. So I started to search and search what is the best solution, I saw this conversation that they use the AQUAPHOR and it works to their babies, So I also tried it but yes its will kinda lessen a bit again for awhile and then after few days started to show up again. not more but just same amount of that little bastard blackheads.

Kean at 2nd Month

When Kean reach 4months, and during on his 4thmonths pedia visit, I let our doctor sees his face, she gave us a cream cold CORTIZAN which contains steriods, which usually give to a mom who shows that baby acne from the very beginning but our pedia refuse to give that at the early stage for she says that baby acne is really normal and it will just fade away on its own which is true but we never knew that it exchange of not treating it early blackheads will show up, actually we never knew if the reason of not putting med creams at early stage is the result of kean's having the blackheads well, I just assume. haha. 

(Kean at 4th month)
(shows few blackheads still on his cheeks but not as much as before, redness due to his sleeping position before i took this pic)

anyway after using the CORTIZAN which only prescribe not more than 5days and 2x a day. yes again it lessen a few but still some  crazy blackheads remain on my baby's face. What did i do? I ask the MUSTELA Philippines what is the best to fight this blackheads, she said we can try the MUSTELA STELATRIA on Kean's face 2x a day, they send us a few samples including STELATRIA by sending them Php120.00 for Shipping, then I started to use the stelatria, hmm, it works but not totally probably It will never works like a splash so I need to be patience, until now I still putting the stelatria and if that samples finished I'm planning to buy it amounting Php820.00 for 40ml, yes its quite expensive but what should I do? I want Kean to have a smooth baby face indeed, everything just for him.

 I will inform everyone what happened what is the result after using it, aside from washing kean's face 2x a day with his liquid soap and water, but on his coming 5th month visit I will still  ask our pedia what is the best thing to do. I hope Kean's face will clear up already soon.  huhuhu

For more info regarding this topic check this:  http://www.womenshealthcaretopics.com/baby_acne.htm

Dear Lord,
Thank You for this day. Tomorrow is another sunday family mass day for our family and I'm excited for every sunday's because its our family day.  Please heal my kean's face rashes or acne. I pray that it will clears up before his 5th month old. Ilove you Lord.