Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kean's First Photoshoot

Since then I always wanted my baby to have photoshoot every month but due to personal reason we were not able to do it , until we join the Star Baby at SM Baby Company. We need to submit a whole body photo and a close up and they suggest to do it at Great Image. Yes, its really expensive but we don't have any choice haha but at the end of the shoot and we got the result, Oh My, I almost forgot how much money we spend just for this Photoshoot of Kean. I even wanted to get all but of course additional pay again. haha.


Rackell said...

Ang cute ni kean!!! Buti napapasmile nila si kean during the photoshoot. Ang worry ko kasi pag nagpa photoshoot kami, baka di ngumiti si Rhian eh.

Anonymous said...

You have a very adorable son. May God bless him and your family abundantly