Saturday, April 5, 2014

Baby Blackheads

Kean already had a baby acne at his early stage of life. Usually pedia and other parents says its totally normal. Most of the babies got this milia or baby acne. But what bothers me a lot. after having a baby acne kean started to show some signs of  face blackheads, which is huh? kinda confusing for me or kinda questionable? how come a  small baby got this blackheads that usually shows up from puberty to adulthood.

Baby Acne showed up to kean's baby face around 2nd month and from then on I only started to try putting the MUSTELA FACE CREAM during morning or evening after cleanse or wash. Yes I could says it lessen the redness, until he reach 3months, when the baby acne fades away but in exchange it turn to blackheads, as a mom its really bothers me a lot. So I started to search and search what is the best solution, I saw this conversation that they use the AQUAPHOR and it works to their babies, So I also tried it but yes its will kinda lessen a bit again for awhile and then after few days started to show up again. not more but just same amount of that little bastard blackheads.

Kean at 2nd Month

When Kean reach 4months, and during on his 4thmonths pedia visit, I let our doctor sees his face, she gave us a cream cold CORTIZAN which contains steriods, which usually give to a mom who shows that baby acne from the very beginning but our pedia refuse to give that at the early stage for she says that baby acne is really normal and it will just fade away on its own which is true but we never knew that it exchange of not treating it early blackheads will show up, actually we never knew if the reason of not putting med creams at early stage is the result of kean's having the blackheads well, I just assume. haha. 

(Kean at 4th month)
(shows few blackheads still on his cheeks but not as much as before, redness due to his sleeping position before i took this pic)

anyway after using the CORTIZAN which only prescribe not more than 5days and 2x a day. yes again it lessen a few but still some  crazy blackheads remain on my baby's face. What did i do? I ask the MUSTELA Philippines what is the best to fight this blackheads, she said we can try the MUSTELA STELATRIA on Kean's face 2x a day, they send us a few samples including STELATRIA by sending them Php120.00 for Shipping, then I started to use the stelatria, hmm, it works but not totally probably It will never works like a splash so I need to be patience, until now I still putting the stelatria and if that samples finished I'm planning to buy it amounting Php820.00 for 40ml, yes its quite expensive but what should I do? I want Kean to have a smooth baby face indeed, everything just for him.

 I will inform everyone what happened what is the result after using it, aside from washing kean's face 2x a day with his liquid soap and water, but on his coming 5th month visit I will still  ask our pedia what is the best thing to do. I hope Kean's face will clear up already soon.  huhuhu

For more info regarding this topic check this:

Dear Lord,
Thank You for this day. Tomorrow is another sunday family mass day for our family and I'm excited for every sunday's because its our family day.  Please heal my kean's face rashes or acne. I pray that it will clears up before his 5th month old. Ilove you Lord.

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