Wednesday, April 17, 2019

I'm Positive 4th Pregnancy

 It's been a while since the last time I do the blogging on my page. So many things had happened for the past year. As you all know, last June 2018 was not a good memory for all of us. 

But I'm here again to give you the good news again. 
Yes, I'm Pregnant again for the 4th time.
My Timeline for this pregnancy.
LMP March:  10, 2019
Baby Dance: only once March 27, 2019
Medication: Only Duphaston (not regularly)
Still PCOS both ovaries

Here are the PT photos I took
Just because I am an addict on PTs. haha

My first Test. Still blurry test line. (April 17, 2019 154pm)

I did Another Test same day  (April 17, 2019)
Much clearer compares to the first one. 

April 17, 2019

I took Another PT the same day but later hour
April 17, 2019 624pm
still blurry again.

And just because again, I'am overwhelm and can't believe it. Another test the next day.

April 18, 2019 143pm
Second PT

Then Another test on April 18, 2019, at 805pm

Then I send this message to my Husband. #Happiness # Blessed

Dear Lord, I owe everything to you. Thank you for trusting us for this baby. I don't know how to thank you enough for the blessings more than I deserved. Thank You, Lord, for such a wonderful moment. I will take care of this baby and my self for the wonderful gift you gave.

in Jesus' name Amen.

Mark 11:2424 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

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