Friday, April 19, 2019

My Meds during first week

The same Date I took my first few PT's I chatted my wonderful and kind OB Dra. Candy Diamante. Just the same she always takes time to read and respond to my messages. She is just a great OB for us.

My OB asked me to see her on May 2, 2019. So probably I will be on 7weeks and its more visible. 
She asked me as well to start my Folart (folic acid) 1x a day

Dear Lord, 
Thank you for another day. Thank you for blessing us a good doctor to take care of me and our baby inside my womb. Please give her the strength to protect all the moms and babies who asked for her help. Thank you for the wonderful gift again. Bless us oh Lord.

In Jesus' name Amen.

Please check this link to know more about my OB-Gyne
Dra. Candy Diamante

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