Saturday, April 27, 2019

My Tatay's 70th Birthday at 5weeks

Exactly at 5 weeks today [4th pregnancy]
To update I crave so much for  California Maki. I asked my OB if it's safe as per her. California Maki is ok, any sushi or maki is ok as long as no Raw fish with it.

Today we celebrate my tatay's 70th birthday at Mann Hann Trinoma. His birthday April 24, 2019, falls on weekdays which we can't celebrate with him due to work schedule.

here are some photos to share during the celebration.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day again. It's our 5th week on our 4th pregnancy. Thank you for making us safe always and every day. Thank you for another year to celebrate with our Tatay's Thank you for everything

in Jesus' name amen

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