Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prayers for my Unborn Child

Prayer for a First Pregnancy
Each moment you experience this,
you who bring each moment through to its proper time.
This is my first pregnancy, however,
and I lean on you, asking for strength.
During the time of growing, give me strength.
Guide the baby in the way it is to grow,
bring it to health and strength.
During the time of waiting, give me patience,
so that my pregnancy might reach its fulfillment in its proper time.
You are my model, Mater Dea,
and I look to you for help.

Prayer For My Unborn Child
Bless this child inside my womb
As she grows stronger each day
Keep her in thy loving care
Watch over her I pray
With much anticipation 
We're awaiting her arrival
And depending upon You Father
For this tiny one's survival
We'll love her endlessly
And care for her our very best
She'll be our pride and joy
This child with which we're blessed
Some say she's not a baby yet
I'm certain that they're wrong
My feelings toward a group of cells 
Could never be this strong
Help us to remember
She really is Your child
You've put her in our home
For just a little while
Lord please bless our family
With favors from above
As we grow in size
May we also grow in love

Hi readers and also first timer mommies like me. I just want to share this prayer for us who been waiting for this pregnancy for along time and now that wonderful blessings came in to our womb we should thank our dearest Lord and pray that everything will be fine.

Let's Pray Together!

Lord Our Savior, Everyday and every night I prayed that you will trust me to conceive a child and trust us to be a parent now that you already grant  our dream, my little one are inside my womb. I pray that my baby will be safe, strong, healthy and complete. I will never stop saying thank you's for this gift that you have given us. For making my life complete and fulfilling every woman dreams. I'm entrusting everything to you o'Lord, I'm giving all my support, love and care. My faith will remain as high as ever. Thank you for everything and continuing guiding us together. I will never stop fighting a battle to make our life beautiful with our child. I love you Lord and We will always Love You. Amen.


Friday, January 20, 2012

A letter for my baby at 15 weeks and 5days

Dearest Baby,

Today you are exactly 15 weeks and 5 days in mama's tummy. I still don't know how to say thank you's to the Lord above for bringing you to our life. We been praying for you for the past few years, time has come I even lose my hope that you will be still coming into our life. I just let God do all the answers for my long time prayers. I know if the Lord knew that I'am worth it to be your mom, he will give you to us.

A lot of things I'm afraid off oh' my dear baby. But as soon as we found out that you are already inside mama's tummy I don't know how to explained so much happiness I felt. I say Thank you to God for a lot of times I can.  For answering our prayers and for trusting us to be your parents.

We still have a long way of journey 'till we meet in this world. A lot of things might change, emotionally, financially will be more critical. My questions is Am I ready to be a mom? Answer is "I don't know", but I'am already ready to all the sacrifices and all the hardness that I might experience when you already born. I will never quit that fight to be your mom forever and give all the love and care more than other mom can do to their child.  I will try my everything to be the best mom for you. I will do all the things that makes you happy for the rest of my life.

Now that you are going to be 4 months, I want you to know that even you are just a tiny peanut in my womb you already became the biggest part of Mama's life. Wait for my letter next month baby.

I love you Baby teary eyes of happiness,


Monday, January 16, 2012

My Baby's First Gift

I received our baby's first gift  about 14 weeks in my tummy from our soon to be Ninang My Best of Friend, Aren Sandoval-Flores. She is here since last  December till February 2012 because of her wedding and wedding of her sister, It was her Shower Party when she gave me her very first gift to our unborn child. In our group (friends) we been waiting this baby to come as well When she finally new that I was pregnant she was the one who are so happy and excited, She usually tease me  before she decided to get married "Friend, I will just plan to get married if we already have a flower girl from you and mike!!" haha and then suddenly when she said that She is already engaged and I wasm't pregnant yet at that time, she said jokingly that she can't wait any longer for my baby to be their flower girl but instead I will replace my baby to rump down the aisle for her, then after a month I finally knew that I was pregnant and I send to them the Biggest news at that time and We are so happy , saying "Your Baby doesn't want to really missed my wedding!" haha!! She's my one of my best bud during college and until now that we are all have different lives.  I love You, lola ( we usually called ourselves lola = friend)!!!! I know you will be able to attend my Baby Shower that is why you gave your gift in advance! Thanks =') Have a very happy and blessed married life.

   From Left (Noel, Me, Lara (wife of my friend Arvin), Aren, Vinz, Sonny, Randz)
***Noel,Me, Aren, Sonny and Randz are been friends since college and 'till the end of time.
I'am so happy to have them as my closest and best bud they are the one who makes us laugh and happy.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our Baby at 14 weeks and 4 days

I had my latest ultrasound a few hours ago. Due to some frequent cramps once in a while, I'm quite bothered so I decided to check how's my baby inside my womb. So happy to find out she is totally find, baby move a lot so the sonologist had a hard time to check his BPM (HeartBeat) at first. But as per her baby is fine. It's just that My Amniotic fluid is lower than normal so I need to drink more water.  My next check up will be on saturday. I can wait for January 31, 2012 to check my baby's gender. Still  20 days to go  or 2.5 weeks.

For Baby: Just stay calm baby and always stay healthy mama and papa always here for you no matter what. I'll see you again after 20 days. Mean while be more strong and pray always to God that both of us will be healthy all through out that you are in my womb. Love you Baby!!!


Belly Buds

Surely that all mom's would agree with me that this product will be good for our baby. The moment I saw this product I fell in love with it right away. But sad to say it's not available in Manila Philippines only in United States. Music are my medicine whenever i feel tired and alone, ever since when I was still in high School till got into college I can't sleep without turning my music on. What funny things was I can even know when my mom enter my room just to turn off my radio and she will be shock when i will say right away " Why did you turn off my radio?" haha!!! I know... 

Behind the (Prenatal) Music!

If you ask Curtis Williams (creator and co-founder), the inspiration for bellybuds happened during the 2nd trimester of his wife’s pregnancy with their first child.
“We had read that playing prenatal music to the womb was beneficial – so right around the fifth month, my wife began placing her ipod earbuds on her belly and playing classical music for our daughter.  The only problem was that in order to do that, she had to lie on her back and couldn’t move – which is a lot to ask of my multi-tasking wife.  It seemed like there was a possibility for something more convenient.”
After searching the internet and finding nothing designed specifically for the playing of prenatal music or other sounds from a digital music player to a developing baby in the womb, Curtis decided to pursue the idea. he contacted a friend who was a product designer to help design and engineer the piece.  Initially, he asked him to help make a one of a kind product for his wife, but as they worked on the idea and talked about it with others, Curtis realized that the concept might have a broader appeal. That’s when the endeavor began in earnest to create bellybuds.
“During the design process, we had many conversations with mothers about what they would like or not like in such a pregnancy product.  That feedback was invaluable and it directly affected our design choices.  In the end, we wanted it to be easy, we wanted it to be effective, we wanted it to look good and most importantly, we wanted it to be safe.”
Influences for the product design came not only from pregnant moms-to-be, but also from some rather unexpected places.  The brainstorm for a music player that could possibly adhere to the belly, for instance, derived from an adhesive device Curtis had previously used to relieve sore muscles.  Another “a-ha!” moment happened while using underwater speakers in the seal tank at the New York Aquarium – much of the same sound direction and design technology employed in that specific design could likewise be applied to bellybuds.  A few tweaks and additions later – bellybuds were born!
Today, bellybuds are available for all parents-to-be and the creators couldn’t be more proud: “It’s been quite a journey.” says Curtis, “It has definitely been a bonding experience for our family and we’re very happy with the result. we hope that everyone will enjoy bellybuds as much as we have enjoyed creating them!”
