Monday, January 16, 2012

My Baby's First Gift

I received our baby's first gift  about 14 weeks in my tummy from our soon to be Ninang My Best of Friend, Aren Sandoval-Flores. She is here since last  December till February 2012 because of her wedding and wedding of her sister, It was her Shower Party when she gave me her very first gift to our unborn child. In our group (friends) we been waiting this baby to come as well When she finally new that I was pregnant she was the one who are so happy and excited, She usually tease me  before she decided to get married "Friend, I will just plan to get married if we already have a flower girl from you and mike!!" haha and then suddenly when she said that She is already engaged and I wasm't pregnant yet at that time, she said jokingly that she can't wait any longer for my baby to be their flower girl but instead I will replace my baby to rump down the aisle for her, then after a month I finally knew that I was pregnant and I send to them the Biggest news at that time and We are so happy , saying "Your Baby doesn't want to really missed my wedding!" haha!! She's my one of my best bud during college and until now that we are all have different lives.  I love You, lola ( we usually called ourselves lola = friend)!!!! I know you will be able to attend my Baby Shower that is why you gave your gift in advance! Thanks =') Have a very happy and blessed married life.

   From Left (Noel, Me, Lara (wife of my friend Arvin), Aren, Vinz, Sonny, Randz)
***Noel,Me, Aren, Sonny and Randz are been friends since college and 'till the end of time.
I'am so happy to have them as my closest and best bud they are the one who makes us laugh and happy.


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