Wednesday, February 1, 2012

16 weeks and 6 days -Transabdominal

What a wonderful feeling?! At 16 weeks and 6 days , almost 17 weeks. We finally saw our baby moving and kicking inside my tummy. Trying to check baby's gender is quite hard at this point but although the Ob-sonology said that most of the time as early as 14 weeks if your baby is a boy it can be seen right away showing his tiny eggs and little stick in between his legs. But in my case the ob shown us the legs and we can't see anything in between baby's legs. So?? question? our baby is a girl? haha! We all somehow conclude that probably 90% she is a girl. Although a lot of people around us keep on saying that they think our baby would be a girl because of my aura. And I don't know in my instinct I somehow felt that We're going to have a girl as well. Although my hubby wants a girl and my family wants a boy because I already have 4 nieces at home, and kids want to have us a boy. But like we always says. Whatever God chose us to give either girl or a boy most importantly our baby is so healthy and Strong.

When the ob shows the spinal bones of my baby, the head and even the face showing that everything are perfectly fine. I felt so happy and relieved. No words to tell but just "Thank You Oh God, Thank You Very Much!!"

"Till out us meeting baby. I will see you after 4 weeks. Be safe and Pray! We love you!!


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