Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mackzie's Stroller and Crib

We bought this just last month during the sale from Trinoma!! So cute and So easy to use. This is one of the gift that my sis in law gave to our baby!! She doesn't want us to missed the chance to hit the sale at that time so she decided to that we need to pick some good sale things for baby and here what we've got!!

SOoooo Cute!!!! I can't wait for baby to use this!! =')


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mackenzie Anraiee Sy Angeles

March 29, 2012 when we had our first 3D ultrasound  at Face to Face The Baby Ultrasound just to be clear and sure in our baby's gender.Now, its really obvious and clear we are having a BABY BOY. Although I already prepared some Girl's name and only few Boy's name knowing the we are having a baby girl due to number of people who always says when they saw me that we are surely going to have a baby girl. But all of them are wrong haha!! IT'S A BOY!!!

Although for some recent scans we had , its says already that we are having a baby boy. But to make sure and before we really both some baby things for boys we wanted to check it on clear view like a 3D scan.

Baby kicks a lot and he moves a lot maybe because he is a boy just like the oldies say boys move more than girls. We are going to have our 3D4D scan on later days of April around 29-30weeks AOG to view "Mackzie's" face clearly! Can't wait to see my baby foot and toes, and his smile ...

I Love you baby! You are the most treasure of mama and papa's life that God has given us.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CAS = Congenital Anomaly Scan (repeat)

I had my repeat CAS (Congenital Anomaly Scan ) Today. Although my first CAS sees everything is perfect for baby but still can be stopped to feel nervous at this time. But God is so good that everything went well. Baby kicks a lot. But the Sono was able to measure everything from him. I'm so thankful that while the Sono checking my baby parts of body she also saying that everything is intact and normal. And Everything is good.

DH is really nervous every scan, especially the CAS haha. I think every parent are gonna be nervous or should I say will feel nervous through this but this is only one of the best way to check and feel that everything will gonna be fine.

I love you, baby, I love you move and the way you hide your Genitals to us!! Ahihi! But this time I could finally say IT'S A BOY!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My First OGCT or OGTT?!!

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test at 100mg. Last March 23, 2012 I Had a OGCT my sis in law is a med tech and as you know Its really hard to see my vein to get blood samples but because of her it makes easy as ever. At first We all know that is OGTT because its a 100mg Glucose drinks. So my sis in law get some samples at first for my FBS, then after I finished the Glucose drink which is really soooo sweet and I can bear to drink it straight because I might throw up and its a big no no or else ill do it again.

Then the laboratory got confused why the request is OGCT knowing that its 100mg Glucose Drink for this it must be a OGTT test. Which 4 total of extractions to make. 4 blood test samples. So my sis in law got confused as well but they have to follow what wrote on the request. So when the result came out we all got worried because its too high if we will compare the normal reference for OGCT but if it will be for OGTT reference range its truly everything is ok.

Then I remember My Ob said its supposed to be 50mg OGCT but She said "Oh lets do 100mg" then probably she was not able to change the "OGCT  to OGTT" So when I went back last March 24, 2012 for haha my OB somehow got irritated and say "Why I didnt gave her a call?" which is true. I think Should called her regarding this matter...  ahihi!! My bad! ='( So She ask me to do it again?! and remember that it will be 4 extractions. and When she saw my CAS or Congenitall Anomaly Scan she said I asked you to do it a week before your visit today its kinda early, oops Then I said I just quite excited about it haha.. Anyways, I will just do it again Doc. haha!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gifts from his loving Tita Memem from Australia

There are so lovely. My sis in law from Australia ( sister of DH) love to buy things from baby. The moment she found out the gender of our baby she starts to buy something for him. Specially when she was at work she will grab her lunch time breaks just to go to the mall and buy some clothes for baby. Ohhh!! I so thankful for having such a lovely sis in law..  There are all loving and caring.. My in laws are the best part of my Marriage life ever...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Umix Bottle

I saw UMIX Feeding bottle through facebook , Babythings selling online.  She sells baby cute things from Bottle to baby clothes. When I saw Umix its really important to have one specially good for travelling with baby and during at night or should I say during the middle of the night when baby wakes up in a wrong time. haha! You can easily prepare the bottle with water and milk separately then when you already need or wanted to use it grab it and out the top on the center then shake it. You don't have to worry for your baby's milk will spoiled because it will never mix together until you shake it up. Isn't helpful and cute?!! Mommy's out  there grab it and its really good and nice products!!

How does it works:
Only the SHAKE IT UP formula feeding system gives you the safety and convenience of carrying powder and water separately in a single bottle. Its patented, artight/waterlight, two chambered feeding system.
Never needs refigeration prior to mixing. Now no matter where you are, whe baby is ready for feeding, you just SLIDE, SHAKE, AND SERVE.

the shake it up formula feeding system reduces bacterial growth by storing water and formula separately in one bottle.

*ideal for late nights feeding
*ultimate convenience for travel
*ultimate convenience for the sitter
*ideal for everday, at home convenience
*pre measured for infants serving
*easy to clean
*space saver
*dishwasher safe and durable


Monday, March 12, 2012

Starting my Baby Scrap Book

Around 22 weeks and 4 days when I decided to start my baby's Scarp Book. March 12 But a week before I already both some materials to do it. It's my first time to do the scarp book, I haven't did it even before just for my personal issues. I just usually did some collages of my pictures with friends but scarp book? Nah!! hehe. But while I was doing it, I feel so much magic and happiness seing my baby's ultrasound even before he's created. From the matured follicle, to bursting of my egg. Because we are under work up  so we were able to monitored eveything from the very start and it feels like so much heaven and a really gift of GOD.

I love my baby and I love his father......... "Baby stay healthy inside mama's tummy. Your kicks my mama's life complete everyday while you are still inside of me.. Can't wait to see and hug you but in a right time baby!! .. ILOVEYOU!"


Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Bump at 21 weeks and 4 days

My tummy at 21 weeks and 4 days.
5 months baby bump sometimes to others are not yet visible but because I admit that I'm quite too heavy haha.. That's why I think my tummy are so boost now. Now i'm thinking what as my baby bump looks like around 8 months? nyahaha!! 


Friday, March 2, 2012

My Congenital Anomaly Scan (C.A.S)

Finally, my burden of Congenital Anomaly Scan are over. haha! I can sleep more freely and can enjoy more of my pregnancy. I just had my CAS this afternoon at New World Laboratory, although some questions had been asked by the sonologist before she did the Scan make me more anxious and nervous ... Questions like: ARE THERE ANY PROBLEMS IN THE FAMILY? -No, DIABETES? -My mom! NO, YOU? I'm Not!, DO YOU DRINK? -No, DO YOU SMOKE? -No, HAVE YOU DRINK SOME MEDICINE THAT'S NOT GOOD DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? - No!  OK LET'SDO THE SCAN!!

Haha! She makes me more nervous by asking those questions ha! and during the scan I kept on praying and praying that everything is ok and normal. Although some laughs and smiles during the session. She even asked me, don't you feel your baby, your baby moves a lot. Wow! and sad to say, I answered back like, Sad but Not yet doc! and then Finally the first thing she said was , 70% your baby is a BOY!! hmm, the truth is I'M REALLY SHOCK! haha! although I'm happy whatever gender my baby will be, but because most of the people around even some that I just met who knew that I'm pregnant says that I will be having a girl! Wow!!! and even my previous Scan the sonologist tried to check the gender and she said she can't see any little stick in between legs so she said probably you will be having a girl, but have a re-scan. Then just the last Scan I had when the first time she tried to check the gender she saw in between legs of my baby a small dot, so she said I Think you are having a baby Boy, but when she twist it again, she saw some burger figure but she still said that You have to do it again but next couple of weeks. That scan was just last February 28,2012 but because I'm so anxious and so excited I can't bare to wait any more weeks to know my baby's gender, I tried again and these are the results!! When the sonologist called my husband to let him see our baby, and she said look at this in between legs.. then my hubby said.. "It's really a boy indeed!" haha.. but still the sonologist said not yet 100% sure but she already indicate in the scan its a boy..

Then right after the scan I called my mom and tell the results. when I said IT'S A BOY!! She shouted so loud and like screaming saying WOWWWW!!! she so happy knowing that we are having a Boy because I already have 4 nieces from my brother!! The first Boy Grandchild in our family! haha!!

To my Baby: Just stay foot baby! I'm so happy and so Thankful to the Lord that you are okay and the way you move shows that you are so happy! Papa and Mama Loves you so much!! And Finally Papa already agreed for your name that I choose! So excited to see you baby!!! Pray to Papa Jesus and Mama Mary to always guide you and protect you!! Love, MAMA
