Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CAS = Congenital Anomaly Scan (repeat)

I had my repeat CAS (Congenital Anomaly Scan ) Today. Although my first CAS sees everything is perfect for baby but still can be stopped to feel nervous at this time. But God is so good that everything went well. Baby kicks a lot. But the Sono was able to measure everything from him. I'm so thankful that while the Sono checking my baby parts of body she also saying that everything is intact and normal. And Everything is good.

DH is really nervous every scan, especially the CAS haha. I think every parent are gonna be nervous or should I say will feel nervous through this but this is only one of the best way to check and feel that everything will gonna be fine.

I love you, baby, I love you move and the way you hide your Genitals to us!! Ahihi! But this time I could finally say IT'S A BOY!!

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