Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mackenzie Anraiee Sy Angeles

March 29, 2012 when we had our first 3D ultrasound  at Face to Face The Baby Ultrasound just to be clear and sure in our baby's gender.Now, its really obvious and clear we are having a BABY BOY. Although I already prepared some Girl's name and only few Boy's name knowing the we are having a baby girl due to number of people who always says when they saw me that we are surely going to have a baby girl. But all of them are wrong haha!! IT'S A BOY!!!

Although for some recent scans we had , its says already that we are having a baby boy. But to make sure and before we really both some baby things for boys we wanted to check it on clear view like a 3D scan.

Baby kicks a lot and he moves a lot maybe because he is a boy just like the oldies say boys move more than girls. We are going to have our 3D4D scan on later days of April around 29-30weeks AOG to view "Mackzie's" face clearly! Can't wait to see my baby foot and toes, and his smile ...

I Love you baby! You are the most treasure of mama and papa's life that God has given us.



private ultrasound scan said...

I do 3D scanning as a job, it's great fun. You pictures are really good the face is really clear. congratulations to you and your partner. Good luck with 4D scan too.

iamanjch said...

Hi Thank you very much! Yeah!! We all really like the photos and sono is really good!! I think your job is really overwhelming specially when you always see baby's moving inside mom's tummy amazing.. Goodluck and Godbless!!