Monday, August 6, 2012

Heavy Aunt-Flo

If you will check my previous post about progesterone because after giving birth last May , still my aunt-flo is not here yet so when I had a check up to my OB she advise to give me progesterone just in case I'm pregnant again the baby would able to hold on more but if I'm not pregnant It will help me to have my aunt-flo back again. She gave me 10pills for 10days then after the last pill I have to wait for 10days till my aunt-flo will visit me again.

After I finished my 6 pill last Wednesday August 1 the following day aunt-flo came in in a natural flow, but around night time it became heavy already but still tolerable but when August 3 It became heavier that usual so I got  bit scared but still I didn't mind it I just decided to use small size diaper as my sanitary pads because it's really heavy already and ordinary or even maternity nor overnight pads is not working anymore. then last night my nieces and bro and his wife together with DH we watch Batman in last full show. when the movie end and we already about to go out , so before we (with DH) reach the door, I bleed to death. heavy like I pee. So I cram and said to my hubby that its really flowing out on my legs and its really heavy and didn't stop right away.

At first I was so shy that people might notice  whats happening to me and seeing my shorts are full or blood, good thing my DH bought s sweatshirt so I tried to wipe it and cover my front using his sweatshirt. We don't know what to do till I call my bro whos went out first, I ask him to tell to my sister in law to help me out what to do...

I'm so scared and I texted my OB and she said I need to drink hemostat for 5 days 2x a day. OMG! I don't know whats happening to my body anymore...

I hope It will be better soon.... Baby help mama please. Guide me Lord.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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