Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kean's 3rd Milestone - Tummy Time

Taken February 12,2014

Taken February 21, 2014

Taken February 27,2014

Another Milestone for Baby Kean. Wheww!! at First pic, he really struggle to learn how to tummy time. As shows , he is really having  a hard time to do it by himself. We sometimes help him but he cannot go back anymore. haha. then as days goes by, suddenly I just saw him that he made it, but again he cant go back on his own yet. he still needs our help to lay him down again when eh wanted to, but whats good about it, even how hard it is for him, he really want to learn it on his own. Thats my baby!! 

then a few days past, he were able to do it on his own and go back on his own, but it takes time haha. It's ok kean pratice makes perfect anak. 

So proud mama. Keep it up son. we will guide and help you for every milestone you will discover in the future.

Two Thumbs Up for you! Iloveyou.

Monday, February 24, 2014

SM Star Baby 1st quarter 2013

Ever since I've got pregnant with mackenzie, I always wanted to join this contest. But because of what happened to him we didnt had a chance. But Finally, Kean and I will pursue the dream of me and his brother Mackenzie to Join the STAR BABY. I just hope Kean would have a chance to be on the final list even he didn't win It's ok just seeing my baby one of the finalist its ok with me. hehe. But of course every mom would want their kids to win. haha.

Let's pray to papa Jesus anak, and to Padre Pio that he will give us a chance to win and meet them on the final round haha.

Goodluck to us. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kean's 3rd Month

My Dear Kean, Now you reach 3rd month and number of milestone you already starting to discover. I know how baby grow up so fast, if only I can somehow make the tickling of clock a liitle bit slower I will do it, so i have so much time to spend while you still hug, kiss, laugh and cry with mama. I love you my little blessings, You such a big gift to us from above that no one can replace. You make my life go around in 360 deg. but whatever changes may do, even how hard it is, every single second with you is a lifetime for me. 
Ilove you my Baby Kean, Papa and I will try to give everything you need as you grow up.

Dear Lord.
Thank you for another month that you gave to our little blessing, Please guide our Kean to a great path as he grow up. As he discover all his milestone with us. We thank you Lord for all the blessings and graces you have given us , our family as always. We sorry for all the shortcomings and for all the mistakes we have done so far. We love you Lord,and we will continue to love you for the rest of our lives.

Kean GOD GAVE ME YOU anak! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

My Family

My Family, Family consists or Mom, Dad and Baby, words that I don't know if I can still say on my own. All or my followers in this blog knew how we also struggle to have a called complete "FAMILY" to have a baby. I decided to start this blog when we finally decided to seek a help form an OB-Gyne. I started the blog , soon We started to do our work up. Then God is Great after 10 months he gave us our dear MACKENZIE, he was a full blessings when we knew we our on our way and got that positive result.

(pregant to Mackenzie, first family pic, days before I gave birth to him at 31 weeks)

But un-expectable thing happened during my pregnancy at 31weeks. we lost our Mackenzie. It's hard but i don't have any choice but to fight. It's not a battle that i will give up, but its a battle I lost before and ready to fight again. 

Now, God gave us Kean in surprise. We knew that Kean really meant for us. He came without work up or any help of any doctor's or meds. It's all natural prayers and Hopes that God will never let us be alone with a child. We never expect it but he gave Kean to us. He gave us even so much blessings now.  He gave us a healthy, handsome baby boy. I know everything happened for a reason. Now I know that If  he gets something for you, he will return even more better. 

Now I can truly says this is my FAMILY.

(our usual family bonding at home)

(our usual sunday family day after mass)

(our usual sunday family day after mass)

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me a complete family on my own. Thank you for all the blessings and grace we received from you. Thank you for guiding us and helping us to take care of our son Kean. and most of all Thank you for bringing Kean to our Life. Sorry for the shortcomings sometimes. But my Faith will never fade and will even grow more over.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mix Feeding

Kean :  2nd Months
Weight : 5.35kgs
Length: 60cms

Kean had is monthly check up and vaccine last February 03, 2014. he is doing good he poop almost 2-3x a day which ok and normal as his pedia said. although most of EBF babies can stand without poop for 10days which i don't like haha. If he don't poop like 2-3 days make me feel bothered and crazy as a mom. haha. I always think that something is wrong. Even how much I read that EBF babies are normally like that haha. 

Kean's weight is not too big nor too small he is in a right range at his age. But as the oldies says Kean is thin? huwatt? as we all know oldies preference of healthy baby is a BIG Baby or chubby baby.. haha which is hmmm. not true? they said if babies starting to feed by formula or mom start to mix feed, baby also starting to get heavy and bigger, let see.. 

I decided to give Formula milk to Kean not for him to gain more weight but we are having a hard time to store my Breastmilk for we only have one door fridge at the kitchen and personal small fridge at our room so breastmilk will not last long as it can be when we store it to our freezer. Having trouble to pump is one of my reason as well, although people cannot acuse me of not doing it, I've done it when Kean started to reach his 1st month, I even go up just to get my pump when kean wakes up in the middle of the night just to feed, so other boobies are on pump at the same time, even my eyes are falling down.. haha its how it is being a mom.

then another  thing when we decided to go out sometimes , lets admit it , breastfeeding station in the philippines are not that good nor  great in our mall, yeah maybe some few but we don't really go too far from our place just to hit the mall. so when we are out if we are near to breastfeeding station i do it there, but if not, ill look for near fitting room that few people using it and then viola!!! breastfeeding mom to my hungry son.

So even our pedia are really hesitant for me to give or suggest a Formula Milk I still insist, even he says "Oh you are soo kulit" anyways, I told her that and I'm true to my words that I will use the FM only when we are out even how long or how far, and still do the breastfeed of course for I want to breastfeed Kean for as long as i have milk inside. Even it reach 2-3yo i like it. So my original plan is breastfeed with unli latch when we are at home, and latch still when we are inside the card even we are out so. i could say 80-90% still breastfeeding ahead.

Let's see the weight of Kean if he will increase more than he use to because he is mix feed already.. I will give feedback regarding our chosen Formula Milk NAN HW1, our pedia suggest either NAN or S26

Dear God,
Thank you for giving me strength everyday, Thank you for giving me more patience and love to give to my son. He is my precious and he is my world. I thank you for everything you are doing for our family. Please stay my away my son in any kind of sicknes or illneses. Please keep our family safe. Please take away my moms, stomach pain and let her be happy as always. Thank you Lord for all the blessings. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kean's sunday outfit Feb2

I started to make a #OOTD during our sunday Family mass or a family day. haha. This day February 02,2014 he is wearing is full terno from sweatshirt, pants and cap from her Tita Mama (Aunt) bought from Australia. Actually this clothes meant for our Angel Mackenzie but ofcourse he never had a chance to wear it, so we know if only Mackenzie sees his little bro wearing his clothes he will feel proud for Kean is a very handsome boy.

More #OOTD (outfit of the day) coming every sunday. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kean's 2nd milestone - Thumb Sucking

Today, at second month or i think 2 weeks before he reach 3rd month, another milestone that Kean discover, thumb sucking. Or should I say Fist sucking? haha. He started to discover his fingers at first and then fist follows. I don't but people usually says "nagiipin" or "teething", but isn't too early for teething? anyway, people says babies gums are itchy that why they usually suck their fingers, fist or thumb, But kean he even starting to Learn how suck his clothes, bibs haha. 

milestone means my baby is growing up already, ohh, actually I don't know what to feel, either happy because he always discover new moves or things, but sad because meaning he starting to grow so fast. Oh, whatever it is, I will treasure every moment I'm with Kean, even how hard it is to be a mom, but in exchange the never ending smile and happiness in my Heart.

how about you mommies? what are the milestone that your babies already starting to discover?