Monday, February 10, 2014

My Family

My Family, Family consists or Mom, Dad and Baby, words that I don't know if I can still say on my own. All or my followers in this blog knew how we also struggle to have a called complete "FAMILY" to have a baby. I decided to start this blog when we finally decided to seek a help form an OB-Gyne. I started the blog , soon We started to do our work up. Then God is Great after 10 months he gave us our dear MACKENZIE, he was a full blessings when we knew we our on our way and got that positive result.

(pregant to Mackenzie, first family pic, days before I gave birth to him at 31 weeks)

But un-expectable thing happened during my pregnancy at 31weeks. we lost our Mackenzie. It's hard but i don't have any choice but to fight. It's not a battle that i will give up, but its a battle I lost before and ready to fight again. 

Now, God gave us Kean in surprise. We knew that Kean really meant for us. He came without work up or any help of any doctor's or meds. It's all natural prayers and Hopes that God will never let us be alone with a child. We never expect it but he gave Kean to us. He gave us even so much blessings now.  He gave us a healthy, handsome baby boy. I know everything happened for a reason. Now I know that If  he gets something for you, he will return even more better. 

Now I can truly says this is my FAMILY.

(our usual family bonding at home)

(our usual sunday family day after mass)

(our usual sunday family day after mass)

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me a complete family on my own. Thank you for all the blessings and grace we received from you. Thank you for guiding us and helping us to take care of our son Kean. and most of all Thank you for bringing Kean to our Life. Sorry for the shortcomings sometimes. But my Faith will never fade and will even grow more over.

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