Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kean's 2nd milestone - Thumb Sucking

Today, at second month or i think 2 weeks before he reach 3rd month, another milestone that Kean discover, thumb sucking. Or should I say Fist sucking? haha. He started to discover his fingers at first and then fist follows. I don't but people usually says "nagiipin" or "teething", but isn't too early for teething? anyway, people says babies gums are itchy that why they usually suck their fingers, fist or thumb, But kean he even starting to Learn how suck his clothes, bibs haha. 

milestone means my baby is growing up already, ohh, actually I don't know what to feel, either happy because he always discover new moves or things, but sad because meaning he starting to grow so fast. Oh, whatever it is, I will treasure every moment I'm with Kean, even how hard it is to be a mom, but in exchange the never ending smile and happiness in my Heart.

how about you mommies? what are the milestone that your babies already starting to discover?

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