Thursday, April 4, 2013

New OB-Gyne, First Check Up

After what happened to Mackenzie (my First Born child, passed away after 11 days) even how much I wanted to stay on my OB I and DH decided to transfer and look for a new OB-Gyne if we will be expecting for our Second Pregnancy. 

Now that I'm pregnant, we struggle to find a great OB-Gyne who will take good care both of us all throughout my pregnancy, after knowing our history from our First.  As you know, It's not easy to look for another Ob-Gyne or to transfer, knowing that I'm PCOS and my previous OB knew my history regarding my infertility, but to tell you the truth, the only reason why we choose to change OB because she only affiliated on one hospital which we don't like it anymore. I love my OB so much, she is great and she is fantastic for me. I just don't know why only one hospital she is into.

I knew my present OB because of Women's Ultrasound where I'm doing my scan before when I was TTC. 
I told to the secretary that I wanted to change my OB, and she asked me which doctors who had a chance to scan you before that you feel good about it? and then I told her who it was although I didn't know the name yet and then she said "ahh, Dra. Diamante" the same day I had my second TVs, Dra. Diamante will be in the clinic around the afternoon, so I asked to be back around 3pm. 

Finally, I was able to meet the one who will take good care of us. "Dra. Dulce Corazon Bautista -Diamante" Ob-Sonologist.

I told her about what happened to my first pregnancy and to my baby. The detailed story so she would know everything, she needs to know. She somehow told me about one of her patient who has almost the same story about what happened to me and to my precious baby, Her patient also gave birth from First Pregnancy and baby died after 1 week, the previous OB didn't knew that the mother was suffering from diabetes and she gave birth on a preterm, after that she decided to change OB and Transfer to Dra. Diamante, and still for the second pregnancy, her patient got preterm giving birth on the 33weeks, but as to check her baby almost on the 35weeks so after the baby screening on the next day, Dra. said they would able to go home and Baby is fine and healthy. 

She asked a lot of questions regarding my previous pregnancy, I asked some questions as well regarding my situation and I could say, I can feel her, I can feel her concern towards us (me and my baby), I love to be in her care, she is as well nice as of my previous OB, I prayed and I prayed a lot that, God will guide us throughout my  pregnancy. I will surrender all my faith and love in God to guide, protect and give her precious Love to both of us. 

She saw my recent scan. She said like what the Sonologist said, my Gestational Sac and Yolk Sac, looks so great. Baby even have the Embryonic Pole but sometimes still out of range as the findings said for its too much early to detect.  She asks me to take Duphaston for 2 weeks and Folic Acid continually.  She asks me to go back and we see each other again and repeat the scan to check the heartbeat of my baby, by that time,  the heartbeat should be visible and active on April 18.

Duphaston, 2x a day for 2 weeks, Actually this is the first time I will take this med, although I already read a lot about Duphaston and maybe because of my history she asked me to take this for 2 weeks for our own protection. Folic Acid for me is normal, for I was into Folic Acid over and over again. Since I was TTC and till from my first pregnancy, For what I know, folic acid is very important for TTC and soon to be a mom.

We love to hear your prayers for both of us. I hope You will lend us a minute for your prayers for our safety (me and my baby). I will do everything that I could just to protect my baby inside my womb. I'm begging our Dear Lord Jesus Christ to protect us every day, and guide us till we face the 9months. Lord, we don't know how to thank you for all the graces and blessings, especially for a new baby. Lord, I'm here again saying hundred of Thank You's for trusting us again to be a parent. I Love you with all my Heart Lord.

 Prayers During Pregnancy
Dearest Mary, I look to you now for the help of your maternal love. You understand my trials as an expectant mother. You bore Jesus in your womb. You know the doubts and anxieties that beset me; you know the bodily suffering I endure. Like you, may I turn all these sorrows into joy. You overcame anxiety by loving trust in God; you overcame doubt by gentle resignation to His will.
Your motherhood lifted your mind above the earth and kept it close to God.
So speak to Jesus now with me, beloved Mother, as I seek prayerfully to learn to bear the trials of motherhood with joy.
Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for me!

1 comment:

Rackell said...

Hello, I've read all your post and you know what napahanga mo ko.. PArehas tayo ng situation, may pcos rin ako and nagpapa work out ako sa ob ko.. I really hope bigyan rin kami ni God ng baby soon.

Thank you and I'm so excited to read your other post.
