Thursday, May 2, 2019

My First check up at 5weeks 4days for 4th Pregnancy

Exactly at 5weeks 4days today.

Today is our first check-up to see Baby inside my tummy. I can't describe how excited and nervous we are (with my husband) while waiting on our turn. Even just on our way, I keep on praying and praying so hard that can able to see the baby as this early weeks, I am excited at the same time worrying about it. But I know God is always there to protect us and make us safe.

During the scan, we can see the GS Gestational Sac and My OB said she can also spot the Yolk Sac already. No heartbeat is visible yet. Again repeat scan and checkup after 2 weeks to check baby again. I am so happy and so so happy I thank God for this blessings my Lord.

As of now, my Hyperacidity attacks so hard. Sometimes I can't bear the pain.  I can't even eat well.
Duphaston 3x a day for 2 weeks
Folart 1x a day

Dear Lord,
Thank you, my Lord, for this day I'm exactly 5 weeks 4days. Thank you for making us safe and protecting us every day. Thank you, Lord I already saw our baby today. a tiny little precious.

in Jesus' name amen

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