Thursday, April 18, 2013

166 BPM

It was again the best time of my life. Been waiting for this date and been paranoid from my last scan and check up, but now I feel more ok and relieve hearing my baby's heartbeat while doing my 3rd TVs, Oh God, it was again the most precious sounds I ever heard in my entire just like the first time I've heard makzie's heartbeat.

Well getting scans and check up's within the First trimester was really a paranoia month for me. But as soon as I found out and saw the heartbeat of my dearly baby, it's just like a medicine for me making me feel calm and relief.

Baby now is 7 weeks and 5 days to 8 weeks and 1 day as Gestational age but 8 weeks 4 days from my last LMP. I remember while lying on the bed waiting for OB perform the scan, I pray and pray and prayed a lot Our Father... Hail Mary. While holding my rosary necklace, saying repeatedly "please Lord make my baby healthy and ok! Please, Lord!"

Then my OB 's first question, "last time we just saw the yolk sac right?!" Then I answer "Yes doc and positive with an embryonic pole!" Then she replied, "Yeah, now the baby is bigger and looking good!" Then smile on my face started to show, she slowly slides the monitor on my side and showing me the heartbeat of my baby "166BPM" and hearing not too loud beating "dugdug dugdug!" OMG, I just repeatedly say " Oh Thank You, Lord, Thank You, Lord.."

You can even saw the light circle around my little peanut just like a bubble which is the yolk sac. So clear and so rounded. My God I can find the right words how to say Thank You to our dear Lord above.

All  I know, God always there for us. On his own right time. God never failed to give us surprises, we just have to be patient enough and never stop believing that God never stops loving us and showing us how blessed we are.

Got my second prenatal book again. Happy! This time Duphaston need to stop somehow, because its progesterone can be one of the reasons why I'm having frequent nausea and vomiting, OB said that now I'm on my 8 weeks and no signs of spotting or severe pain, we can stop the Duphaston and continue taking folic acid but after  2 weeks change to folic acid with vitamin B-complex.

"Till next bonding on TVS my precious. Mama so in love with you. I know Kuya' makzie in heaven and papa are so proud for both of us. i love you my little peanut. Stay healthy and pray to Lord to protect us and guide us until 9 months. I will always feel you baby. We love you so dearly- Mama, Papa, and 👼+kuya makzie

Sent from my iPhone

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