Sunday, December 29, 2013

Breast Pump

Manual Pump: Mimiflo
Bought Online : Php 699.00
Date: December 30,2013

I started to breast pump when Kean is 1 and half month, even our pedia doesn't like to breast pump yet because kean might have a nipple confusion, but I insisted without her knowing it. Haha. I bought the cheaper manual breast pump only because my sister in law from Australia bought me a Tommee Tippee Manual Breast Pump and she will be here on January 17,2014, so instead of waiting for that day why not bought some cheaper one first.

So at first kinda hard but days goes by practice really makes perfect. From less than an oz to 2-3oz wow. But you will just going to hae struggle to try to feed your baby thru a bottle, specially when you are EBF (exclusively Breast Feeding) but again practice makes perfect hehe. Kean is still having a hard time to feed in a bottle but still trying our best to overcome it.

Good luck everyone!!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me milk that enough to sustain kean in his everyday life. Thank you Lord for making us healthy and happy everyday. Thank you very much for  everything my Lord.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dream Family Picture

My Family
Taken: December 25,2013

I remember my oldest niece usually says before "sabi ni tatay (my dad) papa picture tyu kapag lumabas na si kean para complete na tayo" now here it is. I've been dreaming to have this kind of photo to be display in our house and can finally says "My Family" Before i thought it will never happened but because of Gods Gift and we know for God nothing is impossible now everything is visible.

There are My Family , my tatay, my nanay, my brother and my sister inlaw and my 4 nieces including my so called panganay bembem. Before we only have photo of me and mike display in our house now, with Kean. Teary eye whenever i'm looking at this photo. Lovely and finally can say All dream can come true.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for this wonderful gift. Thank you for giving me a great family i know we are not perfect family to compare with but i'm happy and bleaa to have them in our life. Thank you very much Lord. We love you.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Exclusively BreastFed


As my previous post, the first time i started breastfeeding is really crucial, our pedia said only the first 2 weeks is crucial for my baby and for me. Yes she is right, at first I even cried for the pain and hurt i've experienced and I even said I give up and I want my baby to mix fed with formula milk but our pedia say NO for this is her advocacy and i'm happy somehow I follow her advice to wait till everything will be in smooth sailing breastfeeding session with my baby.

Then after 1and half months wooolaaahh, she is right! I even enjoy breastfeeding now, even how hard it is specially when we are outside. But because i'm a mother and its my duties to feed him and to make him healthy I need to do everything for him.

Our Pedia still doesn't allowed us to use breastpump coz she doesn't want my baby to be feed by bottle as young as he is now, but because I wanted to try it and as i got some advice from other moms, when the time i need to feed my son in a bottle it will be hard for both us specially for him if I will not make him use to it as early as I could. So Even pedia said no because he might have nipple confusion still I decided to try it soon. 

Now, the questions is until when I can handle breastfeeding sessions? Until what age of my baby I can do this? Answer: Until my boobies can still produces milk I will never stop breastfeeding till the last drop. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for overflowing breastmilk everyday  for my baby. thank you for making my baby healthy and strong. Thank you for making kean so active and so cute. Thank you for giving us so gwapo baby. Hehe

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

First Christmas with Baby Kean

2013 Christmas is a very special xmas for all of us specially for me and for my hubby. This is our first christmas with our new baby, baby kean. Kean's first xmas as well. This is our Christmas Family picture. I can't explain how happy I'am looking at this photo.

I thought its only a dream to have a Family Pic on my own and to have christmas with our baby. God is really great indeed. I don't know how to thank him enough for all te graces and blessings he has given me and my family all these years.

Kean and my Mackenzie in heaven are the best gifts I ever received in my life, even I know MackenZie is with our Lord , God still gave us another bundle of joy to complete my life and my world.

Merry Christmas to all of you and May God bless and shower all the women out there a bundle of joy in there life like Kean.

Dear Lord, Happy Birthday my Lord, i will always be thankful and be bless for all the things you've shared and given us. i wish all the happiness in the world on your special day. We love you our Lord

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby skin Care and Hygiene

I bought these products when I'm still pregnant with Kean, I really like the Aveeno even before, but when I found out about Mustela, got interested with it. I've read so ma y good feedbacks regarding these products specially in the US where it really popular.

Mustela is quite expensive one compare to other baby products. It has a common smell on all producta they have, similar smell that you will get from lotion, shampoo, cream, cologne and others. And its really good. They usually says that on babies specially new born we should be using fragrancr free products, for we don't know what products they ate allergic due to there sensitivity of there skin, but in mustela you will notice they always put the words "from birth on" meaning you can always use these from newborn to up, so its all natural and safe. The smell is really good, you will never feel sorry buying nor trying these products. 

I have this experience in one mustela products that amaze me, usually newborn babies will show off some acnes after 1-2weeks from birth, actually they don't feel anything on it, thats why usually pedia will just says just let it that way and dont put anything on it, but because we are moms and parengs we are very bothered those redness and we think that it kinda itchy for them even if its not, so One time there were these 3rednes acnes that bothered me, so ive tried to put some few amount of mustela facial cream and holla! After a few seconds to a minute the rednes gone and you can't even notice that there were acnes on that spot. Haha! 
Really amaze me! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Kean's First Visitors

Our First Family Pic (11-12-13)

With My college Friends bessy Randz, Noel

My Mother In Law (Mommy)

With My Friend Diza

With My Cousin's Wife Jamie

Dear Lord,
Thank you for all the happiness and Blessings. Bringing Kean in our life is the best blessing and gift from your grace my Lord. We so happy and full of joy in our hearts and in our soul. Thank you very much Lord.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kean's 1st month

December 12,2013:
Kean's back to pedia again. Schedule for his hepab2, on his 1st month birthday. It was painful seeing your child cried so hard as the doctor do the vaccine for your little one. But of course no pain no gain, even those vaccine cost a lot for us parents, its for oir babies own protection that we need to support.

Kean gain more weight again on this day  3.8kgs from 3.4kgs on the last check up. Very good mommy as our pedia said. And feel so proud for my self. 

Another concern we relay on our pedia, just last december 9, we texted her the day before if she can see Kean for i still seeing some touch of yellow ok his eyes, as a mom, im so worried and bothered for this yellowish color, that Kean still has.i wanted to be sure if my hint is really true that still kinda yellow and what should we do, as she said last monday she suspected it as breast milk jaundice, its not bad jaundice that can harm my kean but its because some nutrients or antibodies that our breatmilk has, babies liver can't digest or process it yet so the bilurubin are getting high that cause yellowish color and because of this breastmilk jaundice will have a slow process to sudside.

So now that Kean is already one month, touch of yellow still there but on his eyes but we don't worry too much, i already read some issues and information over the net about this BM Jaundice.

Remember this informations as for our Pedia:

1. Bilurubin test, if you test your baby's total bilirubin and the result went down, its a good sign because and it will not go up easily anymore but if for a serious jaundice, if the bilirubin test stays high or even went up more you have to undergo phototheraphy already.
2. Doesn't vomit so much.
3. Feeds well
4. Passes or release gas always
5. Soft tummy

This is a good signs that you have a breastmilk jaundice only not the serious one.

On next visit January 9th, vaccine prepare for 5,500 pesos wow, 5in1 and Rotavirus same day. Goodluck mommy and daddy. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making Our Kean healthy and good health, as I always wish for making our family in good condition. Thank you Lord for you always there go guide and protect us. Advance Happy Birthday my Lord God. We love you so much. 

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New Born Screen Test / Hearing Test

The hearing test done for kean last November 14,2013 same day that kean has a test on it and the day we allowed to go home. And Kean Passed yeheyy!! (I think he really review a lot haha!)

Hearing Test and NBST usually do before you and the baby will be discharge from the hospital, hearing test result  will released after a few minutes and the NBST after a month in our case it was released November 26,2013 Bday of Kean's Dad yeheyy and again He passed I Think he really review his test haha.

NBST is very important for us parents and mom to know if baby has a serious problem inside that eyes can't see so it could be treate right away and make everything ok. So remember to have NBST for your new born baby.

Dear Lord,
Thank you very much for everything. Thank you for wonderful result for Kean's test and he all passed. Overflowing happiness my Lord thank you thank you.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby Acne

We, new mommy like what I have will make you paranoid sometimes towards baby? Right? Haha.. Before we been discharge from the hospital last month our pedia already inform us what are the changes that can probably happened to baby which is normal.. One of these changes are the rashes like baby acne, milia like the whiteheads for babies show in face like nose and cheeks.. 

Aww, when kean experience the baby acne after 2weems omg! Really bothered me a lot haha. I gave birth
With kean having a cuteness and lovely skin then suddenly these acne's pimples will show up.. Grrr..

Anyway they are sime ointments and moisturizer that you can use as i read from online and as my pedia says, but most of the ointment can treat baby acne have a steroids, yes it can ease the baby acne but there will be chances it will leave mark like white spot or looks like "an-an" in tagalog, so we decided that to let it be because it usually fade a way after a month or few more weeks.. 

Anyway if you are really bothered, try to ask pedia or search what are the best medicines you can use but most pedia and mommies usually just let if go.. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making Kean looking good everyday. please always guide and protect our kean my Lord. For he is our life and our love. thank you for everything my Lord. 

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