Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dream Family Picture

My Family
Taken: December 25,2013

I remember my oldest niece usually says before "sabi ni tatay (my dad) papa picture tyu kapag lumabas na si kean para complete na tayo" now here it is. I've been dreaming to have this kind of photo to be display in our house and can finally says "My Family" Before i thought it will never happened but because of Gods Gift and we know for God nothing is impossible now everything is visible.

There are My Family , my tatay, my nanay, my brother and my sister inlaw and my 4 nieces including my so called panganay bembem. Before we only have photo of me and mike display in our house now, with Kean. Teary eye whenever i'm looking at this photo. Lovely and finally can say All dream can come true.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for this wonderful gift. Thank you for giving me a great family i know we are not perfect family to compare with but i'm happy and bleaa to have them in our life. Thank you very much Lord. We love you.

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