Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby skin Care and Hygiene

I bought these products when I'm still pregnant with Kean, I really like the Aveeno even before, but when I found out about Mustela, got interested with it. I've read so ma y good feedbacks regarding these products specially in the US where it really popular.

Mustela is quite expensive one compare to other baby products. It has a common smell on all producta they have, similar smell that you will get from lotion, shampoo, cream, cologne and others. And its really good. They usually says that on babies specially new born we should be using fragrancr free products, for we don't know what products they ate allergic due to there sensitivity of there skin, but in mustela you will notice they always put the words "from birth on" meaning you can always use these from newborn to up, so its all natural and safe. The smell is really good, you will never feel sorry buying nor trying these products. 

I have this experience in one mustela products that amaze me, usually newborn babies will show off some acnes after 1-2weeks from birth, actually they don't feel anything on it, thats why usually pedia will just says just let it that way and dont put anything on it, but because we are moms and parengs we are very bothered those redness and we think that it kinda itchy for them even if its not, so One time there were these 3rednes acnes that bothered me, so ive tried to put some few amount of mustela facial cream and holla! After a few seconds to a minute the rednes gone and you can't even notice that there were acnes on that spot. Haha! 
Really amaze me! :)

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