Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kean's 1st month

December 12,2013:
Kean's back to pedia again. Schedule for his hepab2, on his 1st month birthday. It was painful seeing your child cried so hard as the doctor do the vaccine for your little one. But of course no pain no gain, even those vaccine cost a lot for us parents, its for oir babies own protection that we need to support.

Kean gain more weight again on this day  3.8kgs from 3.4kgs on the last check up. Very good mommy as our pedia said. And feel so proud for my self. 

Another concern we relay on our pedia, just last december 9, we texted her the day before if she can see Kean for i still seeing some touch of yellow ok his eyes, as a mom, im so worried and bothered for this yellowish color, that Kean still has.i wanted to be sure if my hint is really true that still kinda yellow and what should we do, as she said last monday she suspected it as breast milk jaundice, its not bad jaundice that can harm my kean but its because some nutrients or antibodies that our breatmilk has, babies liver can't digest or process it yet so the bilurubin are getting high that cause yellowish color and because of this breastmilk jaundice will have a slow process to sudside.

So now that Kean is already one month, touch of yellow still there but on his eyes but we don't worry too much, i already read some issues and information over the net about this BM Jaundice.

Remember this informations as for our Pedia:

1. Bilurubin test, if you test your baby's total bilirubin and the result went down, its a good sign because and it will not go up easily anymore but if for a serious jaundice, if the bilirubin test stays high or even went up more you have to undergo phototheraphy already.
2. Doesn't vomit so much.
3. Feeds well
4. Passes or release gas always
5. Soft tummy

This is a good signs that you have a breastmilk jaundice only not the serious one.

On next visit January 9th, vaccine prepare for 5,500 pesos wow, 5in1 and Rotavirus same day. Goodluck mommy and daddy. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making Our Kean healthy and good health, as I always wish for making our family in good condition. Thank you Lord for you always there go guide and protect us. Advance Happy Birthday my Lord God. We love you so much. 

Sent from my iPhone

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