Saturday, September 3, 2011

I need to do something

After my first OB-GYNE check-up, Trans Vaginal Ultrasound, 1 month of medication of Metformin, Folic Acid, and Povera last March 16, 2010 months passed by but I didn't give so much effort to work out to have a baby on my own. I think I was too busy with my work, some problems and happens at that time even though my DH and I are not on good terms during those months. So I asked myself can I do this alone?

Then December 2010 came. I went to the OB-Gyne of my cousin who was referred by my auntie. Did I say why not try? there is nothing to lose anyway. what makes me more interested to see this new OB-Gyne my aunt said that aside from her daughter who is also irregular in menstruation most of her nieces are having a problem conceiving as well but through the help of this Doctor all of them is already a mother of there own child. It was then in December 2010 when I visit her. I'm with my friend at that time because my DH doesn't want to accompany me during those times.

I brought my old TVs and found them last march 16, 2010 when I visit Dr. MB she said the same thing that I was PCOS but what makes me feel that I like her, she said there is no serious problem aside from this. it can be corrected by medication, and she is also a PCOS but already a mother of two (i think so.. ) So she said I will be having medication for 6 months. almost the same medication but quite a higher dosage. She said I need to go back after 3 months with the new TVs as well.

I left the clinic with a smile on my face and felt all the chances that God can give me at that time. I thought it's gonna be an easy battle but again I was wrong.......


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