Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Very First Cycle of Clomiphene

Happy but sad. It was July 2011 when I started to take Fertility Pill Clomid or Clomiphene. It is my 1st Cycle but ended up with nothing. I was able to take my medicines on time but due to personal reasons, my DH was sick at that time and needed to be confined in the hospital, we don't have the chance but to accept and believed that there will be another chance again.

 we were not able to complete all the BD throughout the cycle. The BD was schedule by my OB-Gyne but sad to say didn't had a chance to do it all. I just take it as a challenge after all it's the health of my DH is important thing to think first during that time.

Let's move forward and be positive....

God always be there beside us..


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