Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Sign

what can I say about May 2011 from the day we started to work up? May was the month we went to Boracay again but again nothing happened. I didn't have time to have TVs or FM during this month. I just go with my life and I even seldom take my medicine. Why do I feel like this? like No sign that I will still have a chance to conceive. I also admit that even though this month is the birthday that supposes to be a happy month for me, I think not at all. I even lose some part of it my faith in the Lord. I know how bad it is but I already asked for forgiveness for what I have done.

I will just lay on to him and whatever happened. I will trust him, love him and obey his will. I know soon he has plans for me. I decided to start again and give time for my medication. I'm planning to take a rest and not stay at the computer for a long time. I remember during that month (May 2011) It was just not my day at all...

God Will Bless Me One, I know...

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