Monday, September 5, 2011

PCOS again

April 18, 2011, came. I decided though o take a TVS/FM even my OB didn't require it I just wanted to check if again I had a dominant follicle but sad to say all of my follicles are less than 1.0cm PCOS again. Although only few follicles now remain small not unlike before but still my hopes went down i felt so depress that why we let the chance go so easy like that last month? It was our chance to have our own baby and start to build our own family.

I felt so down and depress that even my DH I notice that we don't do BD more often. I starting to ask my self, is there anything wrong with me? I always remember that my DH usually told me "You need to lose weight!" I know even they said that a woman who diagnosed with PCOS will be having  a hard time to lose weight still GOD knows i tried my very best. But I felt like was just fighting this battle alone? what is the use of medicine if we will not do our part to make it happen? why my DH doesn't have much time to BD is there anything wrong?

I started to feel pity for myself can we still ever do it?


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