Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dominant Follicle

After 3 months came, it was March 17, 2011 before I go to visit again my OB-Gyne, I had my TVS/FM for the 2nd time around. I was so happy to know that the Doctor who made the TVS said I had a dominant follicle it was size 1.9x1.6cm although i still have some couples of small follicle who didnt grow enough in both ovaries but still I can consider this miracle without any help of Fertility Pill I was able to have a good Follicle. The doctor even ask me if I taking some Fertility Pill and then I said no she said "Really? So you mean it is really your egg. Great!"

What really makes me sad was.. at this time my sister in law was having a vacation in the Philippines. We are going out almost every night and go home late. the day I found out that I have a good dominant Follicle I told to my DH with a smile on my face. That my OB asked us to BD because it could be a good chance. But we didn't anything about it, ='( Hubby drunk so many beers at that night and we were not able to BD I felt so sad  that we let go of this good chance that we had. I just became so positive and I know it will happen again....

Again here is a copy of my Follicle Monitoring Last March 17, 2011


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