Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Papa with Kean

November 26,2013, It's Kean Papa's Birthday, this is the first time that hubby celebrate his birthday with our Dearest Kean, we celebrate it silently with family, I cooled meat  balls with cheese and Chicken BBQ Turbo and bought cake, we are all happy even we celebrate it so simple with our baby.

My gift to hubby! I know he likes headset a lot, this headset can play mp3 from download and save ,using memory card, radio and rechargeable using lithium battery. He likes it a lot haha. Its a surprise .

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making our family so beautiful and healthy. Thank you Lord for giving me the best family ever. Lord i don't know how to thank you enough for all the blessings you are giving me my Lord. Iloveyou!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yellow baby "Jaundice"

    This was taken @ Delgado hopsital having a second test of total bilirubin to kean, with my mom , 11days of kean

When we release from hospital and kean is 3days old, and no signs of yellow skin yet but our pedia already warn us that for the next couple of days he will turn yellow and the white of his eyes so called "jaundice" which is normal to the most of newborn baby, as a first time mom out there, jaundice must showed up 24hrs after birth of baby, if yellowish skin showed up within 24hours there will be more serious or some extra test should be done to baby.

It kean's case we notice around 5th day, yellow skin already showed up and his eyes getting yellow and pedia said this is the peak of jaundice to a new born baby's, and kean didn't poop for 2nd day already so pedia help kean to poop that day, she said maybe kean is waiting to poop a lot or because of some meconium poop still there and its sticky, kean maybe having a hard time to release it, pedia said kean jaundice need to be drop down slowly around 7-8th day or sometimes till 2 weeks, it will release through pee and poop, color yellow to greenish as days goes by, but with Kean' his being jaundice is kinda slow for releasing it by poop, around 9th day the pedia ask to check his total bilirubin and the result was kinda high, 348.7=level 20, in jaundice computation, if the level is 21 it is mandatory that baby should admit to the hospital to do the photo therapy session for 1-2days and it will extremely drop down a little bit more faster that usual in filipino words "papailawan" thats why bringing newborn to morning sun everyday between 7-9am is very important but due to our weather now, morning sun is always not in the mood to show up grrrr, then pedia explained that there are actually two computation for jaundice or bilirubin, if the level is 21 again she need to undergo photo therapy right away, but if baby's level is from 17-19,it's parents choice if baby's should decided to go with photo therapy or wait till he will release it on his own by poop and pee, our pedia said maybe we can wait, for she doesn't see any problem with kean, kean still active, he is good in breastfeed, he suck great, he cried out loud so maybe kean just a little slower in releasing poop so the yellowish will drop also, then after knowing kean is in level 20, his pedia decided to wait till 2days if he will poop continuously to release that yellowish color and on the 3rd day try to test again the total bilirubin and if goes down, no need to do photo therapy just continue breastfeed more often and morning sun, but if not gets down or it gets high again no need to think twice but do phototherapy and he needs to admit  in the hospital, but thank God after the 2nd test around 11days of kean , that is  3 days after, we prayed so hard that we hope it gets down, then after an hour the result came out and drop down to 285.5=level 16, wow really God is good, and right away I texted our pedia and she replied said "its good, ang laki ng binaba and you can really relax na mommy:)" and its true :) 

And I notice after the first test of total bilirubin of kean, he started to poop and poop more often, I'am a happy mom really, and hubby and mom notice being yellow of kean is getting low, then its true after seeing the second test result.Then going to near 3 weeks, white eyes of kean still some touch of yellow and because I'm a paranoid mom i texted Pedia again saying his skin alreay release the yellowish color but we notice his eyes still have touch of yellow a bit, then pedia reply said "its normal that eyes still have touch of yellow till 1 month, and we already have proof that his bilirubin already drop down,poop color yellow to green is also normal, pee color yellow is really normal"  from then on, Kean always regularly poop everyday and its really bright yellow which is normal, lose but not too watery. Days goes by it will turn to greenish color.

I hope mommies this could help you. And also all the mommies to be out there. Being mom really makes you paranoid promise :)

Wow feel relieved.  Thank God.

Dear Lord,
Thank you very much for making our kean in good hands. please Lord always protect our baby kean everyday, please make him strong and in good healthy all the way. thank you for making us safe and thank you for everything you have down to us.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Home Care of the New Born

Late post:

Soon as we release from the hospital last November 14,2013 Thursday, the nurse gave me this copy of  Instructions for Home Care of New Born, not sure if all hospital will be having this kind of instructions giving to mommy's or parents, but this could really helpful specially for those first time mom or first time parents,

Guide for feeding, Cord Care, Bowel movement, guidelines,

First bowel movement call Meconium which is color black to green and its very sticky, warning to all mom's planning to use cloth diaper for your new born, because the first poop of baby is very very sticky so using cd will not be advisable till 3weeks up baby's poop is getting yellow to green and its lose thats why im still using disposable for the mean time.

Remember mommy's meconium of first poop of baby should be seeing atleast with in 24 to 48hours at most if not you have to contact your pedia or bring back baby to the hospital to check 

First (2) two vaccine that new born babg should receive are HepaB and BCG

Being first time mom is really not easy, you will have so many questions to ask, so don't hesitate ask questions for those alreay been through for the same situations, ask your mom as well, friends who can help you. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making kean healthy and doing good. Please always guide us and protect us. Thank you my Lord for everything.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kean Josue S. Angeles

Please to meet my very handsome,pogi, cute son. haha. forgive me for I'm so proud for a first time mom. Although Kean is our second born son, I wasn't able to be a mom to Mackenzie for what happened to him.
Now, really I could say being a mom is not really EASY. I'm warning you mommies out there, who will be the first time to nurse a newly born baby, But it paid off, every time you see your baby smile, even they haven't seen you clearly yet, when you saw them wiggle even they don't understand you, you will be the luckiest mom dad out there I bet you.

what can I share? being a first-time mom, I want to share some first time experience. worst because I gave birth via CS so moving around and doing things I want to do is kinda hard but still I'm trying to do it on my own.

He wants to feed most of every 1-2 hours. He sleeps a lot and at the same time, he wakes a lot as well. But as I notice, his sleeping pattern may change and vary which alarmed me for I am a first-time mom haha.  after a few days, he somehow sleeps for straight 4-5 hours and even how much you wake him up, he doesn't want to open his eyes, although when you try to wake him up he response like making faces, moving his hands and feet he moves he will never open his eyes. and of course, even he is sleep I carry him every 2hours to feed him up and he sucks while he sleeps that's what a newborn that amaze me haha. then I was kinda nervous when he was like that, so I asked my Pedia and she said that alright as long as he eats a lot, and he feeds more often or in between and I say yes, and newborn sleeps a lot to let their body grow more. as long as he is active when he is awake, he cries so loud, he eats and really a good sucker (breastfeeder mom) and he eats or drinks milk a lot and that's normal and nothing to worry about.

Pedia said he sleeps most of 20 hours in a day, haha and they only wakes up to feed or when they feel hungry. She said they can also stand 4hours straight sleep without feeding but I don't like to wait for that long, so I always assure that I fed him every 1.5-2hours in between. after a few days, sleeping pattern change again, he sleeps more on daytime just like when baby still in your tummy. Active hours are during the night till early morning like 4-5am. Oh, my this is a real struggle for a first time mom. a sleepless night here we come. During daytime even how much noise he can here around him he will never wakes up easily.but during night time, when I'm feeding him he sleeps but when I'm trying to put him down on his place oh my, he will wake up again, small noise he can hear it and he will be aware, that's the life of having a newborn during night to early morning time so be ready hahaha... sometimes I almost give up for I'm so sleepy already, so for the past 3days my sleeping time is 6am-8am then from 8am to 6am next day I am so much awake for baby good luck, 2hours of sleep every day? it's usually so carry on. :)

Baby is trending in FB haha. 100likes?  and 70comments? wow. and nothing much to say just "ang gwapo ni baby" haha. So proud mama. what more if he gains more weight and will reveal his real skin color lets wait and see.

Love to take pictures when he is awake, a captured moment indeed. Loving my son and loving my life as a mom even if it's really hard. it's part of being a mom and our obligation. so good luck soon to be mommies and real happiness is about to come your way. 

By the way, Kean is a breastfed baby since day 1, it's not easy but im trying to give my best, I almost cry on the 5th day for my breast really hurt and sorr already. But still his pedia declined to have mixed with formula milk and or use of bottle and just pump, she has a good reason but still it hurts a lot  anyway she said the only crucial part is the adjustment of 2weeks from birth now, I think everything is starting to be ok.hope to have more milk mlik.. :)

To know more about the birth story of Kean Josue please click the link:

Dear Lord,
Thank you for taking good care of Kean every day. Thank you for guiding us both every night and guiding me for every sleepless night I have gone through and every day that will come on our way. Please Lord always takes care of my little Kean. Thank you for everything you have done and everything you will do for us. Thank you for overflowing blessings, my Lord. Thank you so much.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11-12-13 Kean Josue Birth Story

That's my mom!! =') She is with me when I'm about to admit.
this is our room at Metro-NorthMedical Center and Hospital
Newly Opened last September 2013

November 11,2013 came it. Kinda nervous but more on excited. Nervous because I will be scheduled the next day for Cesarean Section. I  or We been waiting for this day. Someone this November 11, 013 still had an argument with hubby but at the end of the day,  he knew that I or we need him at this point of time. No place for the misunderstanding but for love, care and prayer for us (me and Kean)

I was admitted on November 11, 2013, around 7pm gave suppository around 9pm and around 12midnight no food or water intake are allowed. Can you believe it, I can't sleep at that time. I tried to close my eyes and relax but somehow I can already feel the pain of labor. I think so. and some nervousness I think. around 4am I was able to sleep but need to wake up 5am to take a shower and be ready for the OR staff to pick me up for my CSection scheduled November 12, 2013, 8am. OR staff pick me up around 7am, praying and praying that everything will be in good condition and everything will be fine. 

When I reached the OR, I met my Anesthesiology, Dra. Ruiz, When she saw me, she said, "Oh, she is not that big, she looks big because she is just pregnant!" haha funny indeed. She informed me of what she will do and how's the process of epidural anes and she said just like how it has done before when I gave birth to Mackenzie.  She asks are you ok? and I said yes just a bit nervous, and the Anes said, "Oh don't be just relax, and we waited for my OB to arrived together with her assistant OB-Gyne. then after a few minutes, I saw them already, the Epidural already begins, asked me to sit and bend with a pillow, while two needles are trying to pin on my spinal and putting the meds to make me numb from upper tummy down to my toes.

You can hear, feel how doctors, the nurse doing to my body but no pain at all. I can even hear them telling some stories or talking to each other about other things. then finally around 9:31am, I heard my son cried. My tears fall down and trying to look at him. seeing the newborn bed, cleaning him with Pedia and NICU nurses then finally they took off her blanket and let my son kiss me for the first time and put on my chest, so-called skin to skin with mommy is the best thing to do soon the baby delivered to make skin of baby looks more pinkish right away and feel the warm of mommy. I'm the happiest mother alive at that time. My Pedia's trying to see if the baby will start to learn for the first time how to suck and latch my breast milk, then God is great, Kean is so good in sucking, Pedia's really amazing and you know what? Kean even pees on my chest for the first time. haha. funny but the best. They said he is really a good sucker haha.

what's the best thing? when the baby came out, my OB said, "hmm no doubt he looks Mike (dad)", from OR Staff, Recovery Staff, NICU nurses, always said whenever they saw me " Mommy ang gwapo ng baby mo ang tangos ng ilong!", "Mommy ganda ng birthday ng baby mo 11-12-13, ang cute grabeh pede pakarga kapag umiyak sia?" haha. so proud mommy indeed. But before I forgot to tell stories on my CSection experience for the second time. It's way different. although the same procedure but the pain is way different. 
During my first CSection, from the Epidural Anes till the Operation done I didn't feel any pain, but here for Kean, I felt the needle pin on my spinal cord, the pain that indeed really hurt. then starting to operate me its quite good, but when Kean came out and she already in my chest, when my OB and other staff I think starting to close my operation, I already feel the pain pushing on my stomach, oh my, I can't explain its just that I trying to let it go for my son is on my chest at that time and still overwhelm for the wonderful gift that God gave me. then suddenly I can't prolong the pain anymore, I said to the Anes, that I started to feel the pain already, then she said to the Pedia's to carry on Kean for she will let me sleep because pain is already starting to burst out. then I didn't know what happened anymore when I woke up they already preparing me to bring in the recovery room. The pain of the operation occur until the day I'm about to discharge, and more days over.. I don't know why is different from him first, but its really painful. I remember during the first, I was able to walk on the next day after my CS but this time even how much I tried to stand and walk little by little pain really on it.. awww.. haha.

Finally, the first time her papa revealed his name haha.
KEAN = miKE - ANjch
JOSUE = from the bible meaning GOD IS SALVATION, Hebrew/spanish
as my hubby knew the way he pronounced it is "JOSWE" but i said its more ok if "JOSU"

Briefly Expenses for CSection delivery at Metro North Medical Center and Hospital:
Date: November 11,2013 - November 14,2013
Total Hospital Bill Mother: Php 33, 786.25
Total HospitalBill Baby : Php 8,900.88
OB PF: Php19,500(DP we made) + 11,070 (balance w/15% tax)  = Php 30,570.00
Pedia PF : Php 3000(DP wemade) + 2,700 (balance w/15% tax)=  Php 5,700.00
Anes PF : Php 12,880.00 w/ 15% tax
Total Bill: Php 91,837.13
Less Philhealth Mother : Php19,000 (includes: PF, Hospital Bill)
Less Philhealth Baby :  Php 1,750.00 (includes: Pedia PF/ Hospital Bill)
Total Hospital Bill Paid: Php 71,087.13

Papa with Baby Kean

Baby Kean at NICU

Dear Lord,
I cannot find the right words how to say THANK YOU enough for making us safe. Making may baby healthy indeed and making me ok. Lord, I'm so proud mom and I'm so thankful for your wonderful Xmas gift you gave to both of us (hubby) you make us complete and you make me whole as a woman. Carrying this wonderful, handsome baby for 9 months is not easy but hugging and kissing and embracing now with my both hands is enough to forget all the hardness and pain. I love you Lord, Please continue to make Baby Kean Healthy, Strong, and Normal. I love you Lord, I love you so so so much,

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Reaching 38weeks is so happiness indeed. Even already having a hard time, still God Blessed us so much. Thank you Lord for everything. 2 more days and its our big day. Tomorrow, we need to admit to the hospital at 7pm. earlier next day is our schedule.So excited but of course so nervous. haha! but everything for baby? nothing is hard and I can't do.

I will see you soon baby..just keep on kicking, rolling, waving or jumping, whatever you do inside mama's tummy do it now, for we will missed both of being together for 9 month / 38weeks2days. 

Still I don't know your name, your dad already have on his mind but he refuse to tell anyone, he said its between him and papa God. As you all know, I'am the one who gave name for our first born Child "Mackenzie Anraiee" so this time I let him do it for its his request. He said he will never reveal till the day he needs to fill up the new baby born form. haha. so secretive Papa. and of course some superstitions believe that you should not give name's to your unborn child so early, you need to reach atleast 7-8months before you can choose or reveal the name you want for your new born. I think we already pass that, haha its 9months and still no one knows what is the name of  our baby, only his Papa on his own mind. haha..   

I love you so much baby, I'll see you on Tuesday!! =')

Remarks: I have some late post here is the link if you want to check it out: 

Dear Lord,
Thank you Lord, for taking good care of us silently. I will never failed to be a mom I promise. I will do everything for my child and to be a God fearing human being. Please Lord make my baby strong, healthy, complete, normal as I always pray for you every night. I love You Lord. You are our Life and savior.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Last Prenatal Check Up

Today, November 08, 2013. We need to visit our OB again for another check up and scan, If we decided to let our baby deliver this day, OB need to check the maturity of our dear baby boy. As for the scan and my placenta, still not that old enough, my OB wanted to have atleast Grade 3 placenta to be more matured and baby will be ready for our delivery and outside word. So we decided to really move into my desire date 11-12-13 (November 12, 2013 , Tuesday).

Today is our last prenatal check up. Next week is our Big Day. To see, kiss and hug our loving baby boy. Oh, I can't wait. haha. Contractions still come and go and more frequent now a days. Still cervix is open on 1cm. Having hard time to move and to walk. 

Then we finally knew that, there are new policy in the hospital today. So mommy beware if I ware you try to consult  your OB/Doctor. The PF of all the doctors that will assist you like OB, Pediatrician, Anesthesiologist, will no longer accept payment directly or personally. All bills will be paid directly to Hospital Cashier/accounting and hospital will add 15% additional for every PF that will declare, but this 15% will not go through the hospital it will just passes to them to pay taxes to our government (hmm.. thinking of Pork Barrel? yes it is..  tsk tsk!!)  So the secretary of the clinic is kinda close to me, she gave us an advice, but she said do not inform my OB that the idea came to her. haha..

We decided to give a down payment  to all the doctors that will handle us, my OB, Pedia and Anes but sad to say the Anesthesiologist is not too close to our OB to inform him regarding that matter so, we don't know if we can ask him to do the same thing with him but my OB said she will try to talk to him.

Here is the actual Fee's with 15% of our OB, OB's assistant, and Pedia

Actually the PF of my OB is
=30,000, but less: 5,000  Philhealth

but because of the hospital is new. and its my repeat CSection, My OB said she decided to ask for assistant for another OB that she already knew for a long time, As for repeat CS is more complicated, specially she is not the one who done it at the first time. and the hospital is new so,she barely know all the nurses and GP assistant that will help her. So, she explain it everything to us, instead of getting the whole 25,000 PF she decided to get the 20,000 plus 15% tax  and let Dra. Roelen Cabalza the assistant get the 4,500. exclusive if 15% taxes.

and to our Pedia fees is 5,200 plus 15%, so if we will not give some downpayment, we need to pay that 15% of that whole amount all that fees. sad to say we haven't talk to our Anes, which fees will range 8-10k as per our OB.

Here is the list we make for our Downpayment.

So basically the only fees that will be charge for 15% are:
OB Balance: Php5,000 Plus 15%
Pedia Balance: Php2,200 plus 15%
Anesthesiologist : ranging Php 8,000-10,000 plus 15%

here is my admitting slip, for November 11, 2012 7pm Monday

Dear Lord,
Here we come. Few more days left and Baby will arrive. Lord please take care of us. Please do not leave on our side and on our heart. Please guide our doctors to do the best with care. I love you Lord, You always with us protecting and loving us all. I will forever thankful for giving us healthy baby boy and how lucky we are to be his parents. Love you Lord.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Due to some contractions I felt 2days prior November 7, 2013, I decided to text my OB that I'm feeling those kinds of hardness of tummy but no pain at all. So she asked me to visit Dra. Roelen Cabalza (she is going to assist my OB as well on my CS ). When I visit the clinic, Dra. Roelen IE me and My cervix is already open on 1cm but still, my uterus I think she said still thick and I have some discharge milky texture but no odor so she decided to give vaginal suppository. 

We waited for our OB reply after the check up, and yes indeed Dra. Roelen says my tummy experiencing contractions once in awhile. She said its up to us if we want to scheduled it Tomorrow November 08, or  decided to pursue the schedule date, but still we need to have the final decision from or OB. Sad to say my OB is kinda sick at that time, so we got home and waited for her text. Then she said , we have to visit her tomorrow November 08, to check on baby if we can schedule it that same day and if baby is matured enough to let it out in our World. Wanted to be sure that baby still not premature although we already reach the 37week4days.

Still, I'm feeling some contractions and hardness. Hard to move already. My mom always bring me food in our room. I really wanted to see my baby haha.. few more days and I think we can still wait...

After Check up, I'm having a sweet tooth. So we hit Max Restaurant for some dessert.. Yummy!!! Promise!!

Dear Lord,
Lord, I want to thank you for everything as always. I want to thank you for guiding and protecting my baby all through out. Now, we reach 37weeks and considered full term. It's indeed a happiness for us. Because of your Love, Care and Guidance we are always feel safe and protected. Lord. Please still continue to guide us both, my baby and I, till the day I  need to deliver him. I wanted to see my baby boy , hugging and kissing him. Lord, Thank you for everythinggggg...We love you so much...