Sunday, November 10, 2013


Reaching 38weeks is so happiness indeed. Even already having a hard time, still God Blessed us so much. Thank you Lord for everything. 2 more days and its our big day. Tomorrow, we need to admit to the hospital at 7pm. earlier next day is our schedule.So excited but of course so nervous. haha! but everything for baby? nothing is hard and I can't do.

I will see you soon baby..just keep on kicking, rolling, waving or jumping, whatever you do inside mama's tummy do it now, for we will missed both of being together for 9 month / 38weeks2days. 

Still I don't know your name, your dad already have on his mind but he refuse to tell anyone, he said its between him and papa God. As you all know, I'am the one who gave name for our first born Child "Mackenzie Anraiee" so this time I let him do it for its his request. He said he will never reveal till the day he needs to fill up the new baby born form. haha. so secretive Papa. and of course some superstitions believe that you should not give name's to your unborn child so early, you need to reach atleast 7-8months before you can choose or reveal the name you want for your new born. I think we already pass that, haha its 9months and still no one knows what is the name of  our baby, only his Papa on his own mind. haha..   

I love you so much baby, I'll see you on Tuesday!! =')

Remarks: I have some late post here is the link if you want to check it out: 

Dear Lord,
Thank you Lord, for taking good care of us silently. I will never failed to be a mom I promise. I will do everything for my child and to be a God fearing human being. Please Lord make my baby strong, healthy, complete, normal as I always pray for you every night. I love You Lord. You are our Life and savior.

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