Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11-12-13 Kean Josue Birth Story

That's my mom!! =') She is with me when I'm about to admit.
this is our room at Metro-NorthMedical Center and Hospital
Newly Opened last September 2013

November 11,2013 came it. Kinda nervous but more on excited. Nervous because I will be scheduled the next day for Cesarean Section. I  or We been waiting for this day. Someone this November 11, 013 still had an argument with hubby but at the end of the day,  he knew that I or we need him at this point of time. No place for the misunderstanding but for love, care and prayer for us (me and Kean)

I was admitted on November 11, 2013, around 7pm gave suppository around 9pm and around 12midnight no food or water intake are allowed. Can you believe it, I can't sleep at that time. I tried to close my eyes and relax but somehow I can already feel the pain of labor. I think so. and some nervousness I think. around 4am I was able to sleep but need to wake up 5am to take a shower and be ready for the OR staff to pick me up for my CSection scheduled November 12, 2013, 8am. OR staff pick me up around 7am, praying and praying that everything will be in good condition and everything will be fine. 

When I reached the OR, I met my Anesthesiology, Dra. Ruiz, When she saw me, she said, "Oh, she is not that big, she looks big because she is just pregnant!" haha funny indeed. She informed me of what she will do and how's the process of epidural anes and she said just like how it has done before when I gave birth to Mackenzie.  She asks are you ok? and I said yes just a bit nervous, and the Anes said, "Oh don't be just relax, and we waited for my OB to arrived together with her assistant OB-Gyne. then after a few minutes, I saw them already, the Epidural already begins, asked me to sit and bend with a pillow, while two needles are trying to pin on my spinal and putting the meds to make me numb from upper tummy down to my toes.

You can hear, feel how doctors, the nurse doing to my body but no pain at all. I can even hear them telling some stories or talking to each other about other things. then finally around 9:31am, I heard my son cried. My tears fall down and trying to look at him. seeing the newborn bed, cleaning him with Pedia and NICU nurses then finally they took off her blanket and let my son kiss me for the first time and put on my chest, so-called skin to skin with mommy is the best thing to do soon the baby delivered to make skin of baby looks more pinkish right away and feel the warm of mommy. I'm the happiest mother alive at that time. My Pedia's trying to see if the baby will start to learn for the first time how to suck and latch my breast milk, then God is great, Kean is so good in sucking, Pedia's really amazing and you know what? Kean even pees on my chest for the first time. haha. funny but the best. They said he is really a good sucker haha.

what's the best thing? when the baby came out, my OB said, "hmm no doubt he looks Mike (dad)", from OR Staff, Recovery Staff, NICU nurses, always said whenever they saw me " Mommy ang gwapo ng baby mo ang tangos ng ilong!", "Mommy ganda ng birthday ng baby mo 11-12-13, ang cute grabeh pede pakarga kapag umiyak sia?" haha. so proud mommy indeed. But before I forgot to tell stories on my CSection experience for the second time. It's way different. although the same procedure but the pain is way different. 
During my first CSection, from the Epidural Anes till the Operation done I didn't feel any pain, but here for Kean, I felt the needle pin on my spinal cord, the pain that indeed really hurt. then starting to operate me its quite good, but when Kean came out and she already in my chest, when my OB and other staff I think starting to close my operation, I already feel the pain pushing on my stomach, oh my, I can't explain its just that I trying to let it go for my son is on my chest at that time and still overwhelm for the wonderful gift that God gave me. then suddenly I can't prolong the pain anymore, I said to the Anes, that I started to feel the pain already, then she said to the Pedia's to carry on Kean for she will let me sleep because pain is already starting to burst out. then I didn't know what happened anymore when I woke up they already preparing me to bring in the recovery room. The pain of the operation occur until the day I'm about to discharge, and more days over.. I don't know why is different from him first, but its really painful. I remember during the first, I was able to walk on the next day after my CS but this time even how much I tried to stand and walk little by little pain really on it.. awww.. haha.

Finally, the first time her papa revealed his name haha.
KEAN = miKE - ANjch
JOSUE = from the bible meaning GOD IS SALVATION, Hebrew/spanish
as my hubby knew the way he pronounced it is "JOSWE" but i said its more ok if "JOSU"

Briefly Expenses for CSection delivery at Metro North Medical Center and Hospital:
Date: November 11,2013 - November 14,2013
Total Hospital Bill Mother: Php 33, 786.25
Total HospitalBill Baby : Php 8,900.88
OB PF: Php19,500(DP we made) + 11,070 (balance w/15% tax)  = Php 30,570.00
Pedia PF : Php 3000(DP wemade) + 2,700 (balance w/15% tax)=  Php 5,700.00
Anes PF : Php 12,880.00 w/ 15% tax
Total Bill: Php 91,837.13
Less Philhealth Mother : Php19,000 (includes: PF, Hospital Bill)
Less Philhealth Baby :  Php 1,750.00 (includes: Pedia PF/ Hospital Bill)
Total Hospital Bill Paid: Php 71,087.13

Papa with Baby Kean

Baby Kean at NICU

Dear Lord,
I cannot find the right words how to say THANK YOU enough for making us safe. Making may baby healthy indeed and making me ok. Lord, I'm so proud mom and I'm so thankful for your wonderful Xmas gift you gave to both of us (hubby) you make us complete and you make me whole as a woman. Carrying this wonderful, handsome baby for 9 months is not easy but hugging and kissing and embracing now with my both hands is enough to forget all the hardness and pain. I love you Lord, Please continue to make Baby Kean Healthy, Strong, and Normal. I love you Lord, I love you so so so much,

1 comment:

Rackell said...

congrats mommy! finally kasama mo na si kean.. Lahat ng pain worth it pag nakita mo na si baby.. lalo tuloy akong na excite makita si rhian. palakasin mo mommy loob ko.. hehe