Friday, November 22, 2013

Home Care of the New Born

Late post:

Soon as we release from the hospital last November 14,2013 Thursday, the nurse gave me this copy of  Instructions for Home Care of New Born, not sure if all hospital will be having this kind of instructions giving to mommy's or parents, but this could really helpful specially for those first time mom or first time parents,

Guide for feeding, Cord Care, Bowel movement, guidelines,

First bowel movement call Meconium which is color black to green and its very sticky, warning to all mom's planning to use cloth diaper for your new born, because the first poop of baby is very very sticky so using cd will not be advisable till 3weeks up baby's poop is getting yellow to green and its lose thats why im still using disposable for the mean time.

Remember mommy's meconium of first poop of baby should be seeing atleast with in 24 to 48hours at most if not you have to contact your pedia or bring back baby to the hospital to check 

First (2) two vaccine that new born babg should receive are HepaB and BCG

Being first time mom is really not easy, you will have so many questions to ask, so don't hesitate ask questions for those alreay been through for the same situations, ask your mom as well, friends who can help you. 

Dear Lord,
Thank you for making kean healthy and doing good. Please always guide us and protect us. Thank you my Lord for everything.

1 comment:

Rackell said...

wow, thanks for this info mommy ha.. at least ngayon alam ko na gagawin if ever mag poop si rhian.. :)