Thursday, November 7, 2013


Due to some contractions I felt 2days prior November 7, 2013, I decided to text my OB that I'm feeling those kinds of hardness of tummy but no pain at all. So she asked me to visit Dra. Roelen Cabalza (she is going to assist my OB as well on my CS ). When I visit the clinic, Dra. Roelen IE me and My cervix is already open on 1cm but still, my uterus I think she said still thick and I have some discharge milky texture but no odor so she decided to give vaginal suppository. 

We waited for our OB reply after the check up, and yes indeed Dra. Roelen says my tummy experiencing contractions once in awhile. She said its up to us if we want to scheduled it Tomorrow November 08, or  decided to pursue the schedule date, but still we need to have the final decision from or OB. Sad to say my OB is kinda sick at that time, so we got home and waited for her text. Then she said , we have to visit her tomorrow November 08, to check on baby if we can schedule it that same day and if baby is matured enough to let it out in our World. Wanted to be sure that baby still not premature although we already reach the 37week4days.

Still, I'm feeling some contractions and hardness. Hard to move already. My mom always bring me food in our room. I really wanted to see my baby haha.. few more days and I think we can still wait...

After Check up, I'm having a sweet tooth. So we hit Max Restaurant for some dessert.. Yummy!!! Promise!!

Dear Lord,
Lord, I want to thank you for everything as always. I want to thank you for guiding and protecting my baby all through out. Now, we reach 37weeks and considered full term. It's indeed a happiness for us. Because of your Love, Care and Guidance we are always feel safe and protected. Lord. Please still continue to guide us both, my baby and I, till the day I  need to deliver him. I wanted to see my baby boy , hugging and kissing him. Lord, Thank you for everythinggggg...We love you so much...

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