Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yellow baby "Jaundice"

    This was taken @ Delgado hopsital having a second test of total bilirubin to kean, with my mom , 11days of kean

When we release from hospital and kean is 3days old, and no signs of yellow skin yet but our pedia already warn us that for the next couple of days he will turn yellow and the white of his eyes so called "jaundice" which is normal to the most of newborn baby, as a first time mom out there, jaundice must showed up 24hrs after birth of baby, if yellowish skin showed up within 24hours there will be more serious or some extra test should be done to baby.

It kean's case we notice around 5th day, yellow skin already showed up and his eyes getting yellow and pedia said this is the peak of jaundice to a new born baby's, and kean didn't poop for 2nd day already so pedia help kean to poop that day, she said maybe kean is waiting to poop a lot or because of some meconium poop still there and its sticky, kean maybe having a hard time to release it, pedia said kean jaundice need to be drop down slowly around 7-8th day or sometimes till 2 weeks, it will release through pee and poop, color yellow to greenish as days goes by, but with Kean' his being jaundice is kinda slow for releasing it by poop, around 9th day the pedia ask to check his total bilirubin and the result was kinda high, 348.7=level 20, in jaundice computation, if the level is 21 it is mandatory that baby should admit to the hospital to do the photo therapy session for 1-2days and it will extremely drop down a little bit more faster that usual in filipino words "papailawan" thats why bringing newborn to morning sun everyday between 7-9am is very important but due to our weather now, morning sun is always not in the mood to show up grrrr, then pedia explained that there are actually two computation for jaundice or bilirubin, if the level is 21 again she need to undergo photo therapy right away, but if baby's level is from 17-19,it's parents choice if baby's should decided to go with photo therapy or wait till he will release it on his own by poop and pee, our pedia said maybe we can wait, for she doesn't see any problem with kean, kean still active, he is good in breastfeed, he suck great, he cried out loud so maybe kean just a little slower in releasing poop so the yellowish will drop also, then after knowing kean is in level 20, his pedia decided to wait till 2days if he will poop continuously to release that yellowish color and on the 3rd day try to test again the total bilirubin and if goes down, no need to do photo therapy just continue breastfeed more often and morning sun, but if not gets down or it gets high again no need to think twice but do phototherapy and he needs to admit  in the hospital, but thank God after the 2nd test around 11days of kean , that is  3 days after, we prayed so hard that we hope it gets down, then after an hour the result came out and drop down to 285.5=level 16, wow really God is good, and right away I texted our pedia and she replied said "its good, ang laki ng binaba and you can really relax na mommy:)" and its true :) 

And I notice after the first test of total bilirubin of kean, he started to poop and poop more often, I'am a happy mom really, and hubby and mom notice being yellow of kean is getting low, then its true after seeing the second test result.Then going to near 3 weeks, white eyes of kean still some touch of yellow and because I'm a paranoid mom i texted Pedia again saying his skin alreay release the yellowish color but we notice his eyes still have touch of yellow a bit, then pedia reply said "its normal that eyes still have touch of yellow till 1 month, and we already have proof that his bilirubin already drop down,poop color yellow to green is also normal, pee color yellow is really normal"  from then on, Kean always regularly poop everyday and its really bright yellow which is normal, lose but not too watery. Days goes by it will turn to greenish color.

I hope mommies this could help you. And also all the mommies to be out there. Being mom really makes you paranoid promise :)

Wow feel relieved.  Thank God.

Dear Lord,
Thank you very much for making our kean in good hands. please Lord always protect our baby kean everyday, please make him strong and in good healthy all the way. thank you for making us safe and thank you for everything you have down to us.

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