Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fun Birthday Facts of my Baby , Cute!

Your Due Date Is Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your conception date was most likely Tuesday, October 25, 2011
You are in Week 7 of your pregnancy Why is this?
Your Second Trimester will begin 1/17/2012
And your Third Trimester will begin 4/17/2012
49 days down, 231 to go!
The above information is based on a LMP date of 10/11/2011
and a 28 day cycle - Use a different due date

Fun Due Date Facts

  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Birthstone: Ruby
  • Birth Flower: Larkspur or Water_Lily
  • Chinese Zodiac: The Black Water Dragon
  • Half Birthday: January 15
  • This time next year your baby will be 19 Weeks Old!
  • Babies born on 7/17/2012 will start kindergarten in 2017, be old enough to drive a car in 2028, finish high school in 2030, and will graduate from college with the class of 2034, give or take a year. Can you imagine?

Famous People Born On This Day

  • Phyllis Diller was born in 1917
  • Donald Sutherland was born in 1934
  • David Hasselhoff was born in 1952

On This Day In History...

  • Disneyland is dedicated and opened by Walt Disney in Anaheim, California in 1955
  • Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: An American Apollo and a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft dock with each other in orbit marking the first such link-up between spacecraft from the two nations in 1975
  • First flight of the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber in 1982
  • This time last year you weren't even pregnant yet!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby's Development at 7 Weeks

Hi readers and viewers. Today November 29, 2011, I'm on my 7 weeks tummy. My lower abdomen may be shown some signs that I'm pregnant but more of my tummy haha because I'm kinda overweight girls. =') My Hubby always find a joke like, "Baby is still small but your tummy is already big!! haha! Crazy DH.

Here are the development of Baby during 7 weeks. I found it again on the net.

Your 7th Week of Pregnancy
The First Trimester

Your Body - 7 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Month 2 PhotoThis week your baby is undergoing some extraordinary changes and developments. The head, heart, spinal cord, and some of the larger blood vessels begin to form. As these blood vessels form, the heart begins to pump fluid through them, and your baby's first red blood cells are created. Your baby is about 7 - 9 mm or 0.27 - 0.35 inches in length, (approximately the size of a grain of rice), and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce - less than a breath mint.
Your baby's brain, bladder, tongue and esophagus are all developing and transforming, while his eyes are moving to the front of the face and his tiny eyelids are forming. The bones of his tiny limbs have started to form and all of your baby's major organs - heart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs and pancreas -- are forming and growing. In fact, your baby actually goes through 3 sets of kidneys during development with this week's development, being the second set.
Both the hand plates and the genital tubercle are present this week, but you can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl by sight at this point. Nasal pits are also forming. In your womb, your baby has already become active swimming around inside the amniotic sac and kicking. However, as he's much too small and well-cushioned by the uterus and the new amniotic fluid you won't be able to feel him yet. But don't worry. In a few months you'll be able to feel him constantly.

Your Body - 7 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnant with acneIf you've ever had facial breakouts or acne, I'm sorry to say that you may get to experience this again. Due to the hormonal changes in your body, you may end up with a few breakouts over the next few weeks. It's okay though. Using a good, gentle facial cleanser and hypoallergenic make-up will keep these to a minimum, and these breakouts will go away either when you enter your second trimester or when you deliver. You may have either gained or lost a few pounds, but are not showing yet. The good news? Your pregnancy symptoms may start to decrease. While the heartburn, morning sickness and breast tenderness may continue, the backaches and headaches usually do subside at least a little after this week.

Early Pregnancy Questions

Babies Online Members in their 7th week of pregnancy have commonly asked the following questions:


Friday, November 25, 2011

First Heart Beat of my precious baby

I supposed to have my repeat ultrasound on Saturday November 26, 2011. But unfortunately I can wait till I know that may baby is ok and really healthy in my womb. I don't know how much I prayed hard while lying on the clinic for my TVS. and when the sonologist came in and asking some few questions. Then she turn the monitor on my side so I will able to see it.

Amazing I can see the Embryo now and something is keep popping or a little movement and the sonologist said  it's baby's heartbeat. Oh Em Gee. I was so happy that I almost got my self in tears. Now, finally I would feel great more than ever. My worries are covered with happiness and joyful in my Heart. This coming Christmas is the more memorable Christmas for me and for my DH.

I love you baby. Please stay strong and be more healthy. Mama and Papa will take good care of you no matter what. Although baby's heartbeat still in 105bpm the sonologist said it is still ok because the baby is still young. Base on the size i'm on my 6 weeks and 2 days but from my LMP im & 7 weeks and 1 day. I hope next time I will able to listen to my baby's heartbeat.

Be back after 2 weeks again for Development of cardiac activity. WE LOVE YOU BABY!!!!

Your Baby at 6 Weeks Pregnant

Baby at 6 Weeks PregnantYou're not showing yet at 6 weeks pregnant, but your little baby is growing strong. At pregnancy week 6, your baby may measure around 0.25 inches, or approximately 6mm. You can compare you baby's overall size to the size of a Sesame seed! 

At 6 weeks pregnant, the average fetal heartbeat is between 100 and 140 beats per minute. Blood may start circulating throughout your baby's body this week. Your doctor or healthcare provider may be able to see the first heartbeats using an ultrasound, though it may still be a few weeks before the heartbeat is detectable via a Doppler device. 

Your baby's face is developing at 6 weeks pregnant. Dark spots (which will eventually become his or her eyes) have formed on the side of the head, and there are small pits on the side of your baby's head where the ears will develop. 

At 6 weeks pregnant, your baby's placenta is developing and won't be ready to take over its role for a few more weeks. Until the placenta is mature enough, the yolk sac (a balloon-like structure that is as big as your baby) is providing your baby with his or her nourishment. The yolk sac will start to disappear completely when the placenta is ready – around 9 or 10 weeks of gestation. 

At this point in fetal development, your baby's hands and feet are connected with a layer of webbing. They don't be separate and distinct for several more weeks. 

By 6 weeks pregnant, your little one has a curved "tail," which makes him or her look like a tadpole. This "tail" will eventually form the spinal column, and it will disappear once the spine straightens. 

From pregnancy week 6 onward, your baby is undergoing dramatic change. He or she is developing all of his or her major organs (heart, lungs, brains, liver, stomach, etc.). 

First Heartbeat During Pregnancy
At 6 weeks pregnant, your baby's little heart is beating strong - 100 to 140 beats/minute. (Your baby's heart first started beating at 5 weeks pregnant). However, since your little bundle of joy is so small right now, your doctor or caregiver won't be able to pick up the first fetal heartbeat and let you hear it with a Doppler ultrasound for a few more weeks. 

For most women, they don't hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time until 12 weeks pregnant. But if you have a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks, you should be able to see your baby's heartbeating.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Fish.. Big No No during pregnancy?!

As soon as  I have heard that I'm Pregnant I was so busy checking what are the do's and don'ts while looking at the internet I saw some article that some of Fish are not allowed to eat during pregnancy because of High in Mercury content. I was kinda shock because as far as i know fish is more healthy than pork or any kind of meat. So I search and try to look a lot of details regarding this matter. So from then on, I started not to eat any fish for I'm so afraid that may affect my baby inside, so i was thinking instead of checking what are the fish i can eat and i cant i'd rather not to fish at all as this time. :) but when I ask my OB if there any kind of fish seafood that is not allowed to eat she simply answer my question like " NO, not at all!" so whom I will believe in? my Ob or a lot of article that I read about this. Confused. 

I found this:
Pregnant women should be allowed to eat more fish 

7:30AM BST 30 May 2010

Pregnant women should be encouraged by the Government to eat at least two portions of fish a week to reduce the risk of their children developing brain disorders, a group of leading nutrition experts have claimed.

The nutritionists fear that current official advice to women, which recommends they eat no more than two portions of fish a week, is leading to an increase in brain disorders.
They say recent research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, known as docosahexaenoic acid, are essential for the brain to function properly and current Government advice is insufficient to provide women and their children with enough.
The researchers are to appeal to the Food Standards Agency and the Government's Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition in an open letter asking the two bodies to revise their advice.
They believe that women should be eating at least three portions of fish a week.
Fish consumption among women of child bearing age and girls is currently restricted due to concerns about the presence of potentially harmful contaminants in fish such as dioxins and methylmercury.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My very first Pre-Natal Book

Today November 15, I had my first Pre natal check up and got my pre natal book. I've been waiting for so long to have this kind of so called check up and this wonderful book.  I was so happy and so blessed. I will be with this book for 9 months as i carry our bundle of joy of our life.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Transv Ultrasound, 7 days after BFP

Today is Saturday and I keep on thinking if I will go to have TransV today and just wait for the next week. I don't know why I'm eager to have a anotehr transv although my OB requested it but I think if i inform her that i had my transV last November 06, 2011 she would probably request it for another weeks later, But like what i have said i didn't had a guts to tell her so i was thinking instead of having another check up on Tuesday why not saturday at the same week. But still my eagerness to have a transV to check of my baby to be is alright i chose to go the women's ultrasound even though is just a week after when i had my first transV after getting the BFP.

I was to paranoid again during stay in the clinic while waiting for the sonologist to come in. I went down and go to Mercury Drug to buy another Preg Test after the 5 test i did and still not satisfied. But I'm so happy for the result. I'm sorry if I'm to sensitive with pregtest, i just want to everything to okay because this is my dream and
my wish for a long time so i need to take good care of my baby's health.

This time i use Medic Preg test and i Got 2 darker lines. Happy happy!!!

What makes me more happy was, when i had my  TVS, we already saw and Gestational Sac size 0.6cm  the sonologist said in concerning the size i may be less than 5 weeks. and for the confirmation that im really pregnant indeed. I clap my hands in happiness and i felt relieve. Now I know everything are starting to be in place. Thank you Lord.

Thank You very much Lord for everything. I don't know how to thank you for a wonderful blessings that every woman will be the luckiest on earth. 

I love you Lord.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Blood Chemistry Test and Urinalysis

My sister in law got blood sample today Friday, and afternoon same day as soon as she arrived home. She already got the result. She said everything is ok although bacteria found in my urinalysis but she said its quite normal during pregnancy i just need to lessen  some salty food intake.

Thank God everything is keep on a good way. Thank for your unconditional care.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Still BFP, but still Faint Line

 From the start that i got the BFP, I keep on reading Do's and Don't during pregnancy, some important to know from an expecting mom to be. This is an answered prayer and I been waiting this for so long so I need to take good care my self and my baby's health.

I don't know  but i started to feel nervous again when i read some article that if you you had a faint line during  pregnancy test at first is ok, but when you tried again after 2-3 days it must be bot darker lines. They said faith line or probably after testing again after a few days getting a negative result if means your HCG level are getting down and it some serious problem with you baby.

As soon as i read this article i dont feel ok. I said i need to have another tests to know or to check if I still have the faint line of darker line this time to know my HCG level are getting and and everything is perfect.

Last November 08, 2011 morning and November 09, 2011 i took another test. I still have the positive lool result although still faint line but i think its more darker than before. I dont know what do you think?

November 08, 2011

November 09, 2011


Paranoia during pregnancy is it normal?

Since I got BFP, and from the moment I had my first tvs I'm feeling so paranoid. I can't help my self not to worry for my baby to be. I keep on thinking some negative things that might happened to my baby. I know its not good and it would give me nothing but stress which is a big NO NO for the 1st Trimester Period, the most delicate period of being  pregnant.

From this day, I realized after getting some positive points of view from the Forum that I joined since I was TTC, Girl Talk all about TTC and BFP and everything. I need to stay positive and always think that everything is well for me and for my baby.

I started to realized why i keep on reading those negatives write ups of being pregnant. I should stay positive and just read those positive thought and be happy that I'm blessed with my answered prayers.

I know St Clare and GOD is always with us. They will protect and make my baby healthy and beautiful.

Again, Thank You St Clare and Lord my Jesus Christ for an over flowing blessings.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My first check up after BFP

Last Novermber 05, 2011 saturday,  when I got my first BFP, I visited my OB on the next following schedule Tuesday, November 08, 2011. I said I got BFP last Saturday and she asked me about my LMP (Last Menstrual Period) then she gave another kind of Folic Acid name Folium Fe different from my normal Folic Acid she gave me during my ttc journey she said she will give me only for 7 days then go back again for another check up.

This time she asked to have my Blood Chemistry including Urinalysis. Again, its good for me because m sister in law is a Licence Med Tech and Nurse, everytime my mom need an Blood Chemistry Test we always had a chance to done it FREE because my sis in law works in laboratory as a Med Tech. So we save as much as Php1500-Php3400 lucky us.

And request for another TVS to check if there is sac already. So I didnt mentioned to her that i had a TVS November 06, 2011 as early as 2 days delayed haha quite shy to let her know I'm too excited.

I probably I will be visiting her again on Saturday or as soon as I have the result of those test she needs to know.

Good Luck. I hope My baby and I will stay healthy and safe.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

I tried it thru , try it its nice.


Ultrasound at 4 weeks 4days

I'm so excited to know and quite paranoid if everything is ok for my baby. I had a TVS yesterday but unfortunately the sonologist who did said that its quite too early to detect and be back after 2-3 weeks again to check the gestational sac and if everything are perfect.

Although the sonologist said you dont have to worry everything will be ok and we just need to locate yor pregnancy after 2 weeks if you have preg test twice positive you are really pregnant indeed.

Somehow make me relived but not as much as others who they already saw the sac as early as 4 weeks but they said most probably in my case it will be visible on 5th to 6th weeks. I have the power of prayers that everything will be ok i know. They also said different body have different changes.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's True, I'm Pregnant at Last.

I started to take medicines last December  2010. with Glucophage, Foralivit, Provera then Primolut, Clomid or Ovamit,  it took us 10 months for work up before it became successful on our 4th cycle of Clomid.

Date's To Recall:

October 05, 2011 - Aunt Flo came in. So sad but another battle to fight and next cycle will double my
                               Clomid or ovamit.

October 06, 2011 - I became more positive for this cycle and have more faith.

October 08, 2011 - We went to manghihilot just like oldies would say "magpataas ka ng  I didnt had a
                                chance to go back they said it must be a 3 sessions i think.

October 11. 2011 - I had a blog post for my BT charting which I started for this cycle due to 4 box
                                failure of Ovulation Kit last cycle.

October 14, 2011 - Starting to feel so sad date that supposed to be our first baby dance but DH and I        
                               are some misunderstanding about our work up.
                      Related Post:     

October 15, 2011 - We went to Pampanga to attend my uncle and auntie's golden wedding
anniversary. But sad to say our car broke down along Nlex. My other uncle try to fixed bit but he said
after checking need to stay in on his shop to fixed it it will take few more days. So we went back
home riding a bus. While carrying my 2 years old niece. So heavy. haha.

October 17, 2011 -  Its my Day 13 , I had my first Follicle Monitoring and I had a dominant follicle
size 1.5x1.2cm on my left ovary on this 4th cycle and I went to my OB alone DH and I are still not
good terms. My Ob said i need to have repeat FM on my Day15, and she plan to give me a shot of
pregnyl if  my follicle gets bigger atleast 1.8cm. I went home and inform DH about it but sad to say
no reaction and no Baby Dance till now. I see my self talking to my tummy telling please follicle to
not burst yet.
Related Post:

October 18, 2011 - Day 14 : No Baby dance still!

October 19, 2011 - Day 15: Finally First Baby dance for this cycle.I felt so relieve that my thinking before
                               like "I think I will just try again on my 5th cycle" but when we do it on this day i got
                               some positive will again that it might be a good cycle for both of us.

October 20, 2011 - I had my FM again and size is 2.1 x1.7cm already. When we went to my OB she ask                
                               us to buy Pregynl, unfortunately we didnt bring any car with us, we ride a trycycle going
                               to Mercury drug near to clinic but unfortunately no stock, we call my ob and tell her
                               about what the mercury assistant said that they no longer carrying this pregynl shot
                               anymore. but she said impossible and ask us to try other branch near, we ask the driver
                               to bring us to another Mercury Drug but when we reach on the 3rd Drugstore they said
                               they stop carrying in just last august 25, 2011 so my Ob said just go back to clinic.
                               Wheww, so tired knowing we are riding a tryc. So she just ask us to continue baby
                               dance for another week every other day again and ask me to stop taking the Primolut
                               or provera for the next couples of cycles. why i dont know. hehe

                               but still I'm so happy because 2 of my students renewed their contract , it means good
                               signs for my business.

October 21, 2011 - Another renewal for 2 students again so much feel blessed and happy because on this      
                               aside of being blessed with 2 renewals of my students, i have 1 new enrollee from Iran
                               so happy.
                               i had my another FM in the morning, my hubby said just spend the money we save for
                               Pregynl Shot to take the Fm again. Although i told him i just had my Fm yesterday most
                               probably it still the same size but he insist. So I did and im not wrong same size 2.14 x
                               1.44cm We didn't do any baby dance anymore since the last and first one on this cycle.
                               But i think this is the only day as well like in the aftenoon when  my egg meets, mr.
                               sperm because after our baby dance on after day 15. this day is day 17.

                               I remember Same day we went to visit St Claire to thank all the blessings I received.
                              Writing a petition letter asking for to bless us a healthy baby soon. And its my hubby's
                               first time to visit the church so i ask him to make a wish. ufortunately St Claire answered
                              our prayers on the same day. I think. God is so good.

October 22, 2011 - All happiness became sad, I received an email from paypal that they on hold my funds
                               that sent by my students due to one of the complaint before on my students who had a
                               false accusation to my company. All the stress are feel in with me and i need to send
                               some documents to paypal that i'm real and my company is not a fraud. and the student
                               already say sorry because what she did is a big burden to me all my funds are on hold        
                               so where would i get money to pay my teachers.

October 24-26, 2011 - All i feel was stress because of what happened. Stress to student who file complaint
                                and stress to paypal who had a slow process to solve the problem, and within this day
                                they also holds the funds of my new paypal account where the student who complaint
                                paid another renewal payment so her daughter can go back to class immediately. Still
                                more stress.

October 27, 2011 - I payed for the charge back the student complaint  because they just paid another
                               renewal last October 25,2011 so somehow relieved. and right away paypal stop the
                               on holding my funds so now i was able to withdraw to my bank account. Happy!!!

October 28, 2011 - After submitting some files needed so my new paypal account that they also on hold will
                               be restore again. So after a few minutes i called paypal so they restored and i was able
                               to withdraw my funds as well on that paypal account. HAPPY!!!

October 29, 2011 - Day 25 We went to Cemetery to visit my father in law and hubby's grand ma and grand
                               pa in Iternal Garden unfortunately we went their my motorcyle with out any knowledge
                               that I'm already pregnant at that time.

November 05, 2011 - We went to cartimar, No plans on buying a ShitZu dog but I did. I fell inlove with the
                                puppy when i saw it. I ask my hubby that i want to but ShitZu not only she is cute but
                                for business as well of breeding dogs. While on our way home We are keep on
                                thinking what we will name for our puppy then my hubby said " Jobee" short for
                               Jollibee my favorite niece Bembem also says "Jobee", "Jobee" haha!

                               We went to attend a mass which we usually do every saturday, when the priest ask us
                                to for our personal intention, I hold my tummy and said. "Lord I know you gave me so
                               much blessings as in like so much, but i hope its still not too much to ask for another
                               wish that i longing to have is to have a healthy Baby!! "

                              After mass we went  out to buy some groceries and i decided to buy Preg test and i
                              used it as soon as we got home then this is the start of everything....

Like what I have discuss on my last post. I really don't know if its really positive. So i tried it again morning the next day as early as 630am. But still they have 2 lines and although the other still faint a bit but is more visible that the first one.
First test November 05, 2011 / 8:30PM
Day 32

Second Test November 06, 2011 (6:45AM)
Day 33

Third Test November 06, 2011 (6:00pm)
Day 33

Although most of people says that is really positive indeed. So it took another test in the evening to make me realized that I'm truly deeply Positvely Pregnant! So happy!! and sooo over flowing joy in my heart. Although at the first time it makes me cry right away for the blessings God gave us .Now, I have realize more that I'am so blessed so much blessed with God blessings.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it really BFP?

A few minutes or  i think an hour ago i try to use the Pregnancy Test although I'm just a day delayed. At first when I was waiting for the lines to come out, the "T" line didnt showed up but the "C" line already visible so i   already accept the fact that is negative but when i look at it again after a few second to minute the second line became visible, as visible i think. Im so excited to show it with DH but not yet sure if its really BFP because the second line was faint although i know they said in HCG test even if  the second line is faint its truly positive.  

I really thought i will be having my Aunt Flo already already i expecting it around Nov 4 or 5 this morning i saw a little brown spot.  So i though my aunt flo are starting to came out but the whole afternoon when i already use a sanitary napkin when i went home to look at it before i made the test its all clear that is why i decided  to buy the HCG before we go home just to be sure.

Guys, i just want to ask in your opinion if its really BFP? what do you think? I'm so nervous and cant sleep.

if its really true GOD IS SO GOOD. he gave us so much blessing this month. So much. 
