Monday, November 7, 2011

Ultrasound at 4 weeks 4days

I'm so excited to know and quite paranoid if everything is ok for my baby. I had a TVS yesterday but unfortunately the sonologist who did said that its quite too early to detect and be back after 2-3 weeks again to check the gestational sac and if everything are perfect.

Although the sonologist said you dont have to worry everything will be ok and we just need to locate yor pregnancy after 2 weeks if you have preg test twice positive you are really pregnant indeed.

Somehow make me relived but not as much as others who they already saw the sac as early as 4 weeks but they said most probably in my case it will be visible on 5th to 6th weeks. I have the power of prayers that everything will be ok i know. They also said different body have different changes.


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